
Sep 23, 2009 19:53

I was at my Four A's job today and my phone rang. It was my boss from my weekend coffee job. She said that she had been getting multiple complaints about me from customers and my coworkers. She said it wasn't working out, so she was letting me go.

I was pretty upset at first, because her allegations against me were completely unfounded. I was always very polite and friendly to customers (in my own way, of course...more on that later), and the place was always stocked and spotless after my shifts. If people had been complaining about me, then she should have told me so that I could fix the problem, rather than just finding a somewhat arbitrary reason to fire me. I told her all of this on the phone, and I really do feel like I said my piece.

I highly suspect that the bottom line is that most people who get coffee from those coffee huts expect to be served by a pretty, perky young girl, regardless of the actual quality of what they're getting. I make REALLY good coffee. Everyone who has had my coffee has told me this. Several people have told me that I made them the best latte they ever had. But I just don't have that effusive personality (nor the perky breasts) that coffee hut customers want. So there it is.

I'm not upset about it anymore, just mildly annoyed. I will definitely be calling her in a few days to make sure that she's paying me within three days of termination, as is required by Alaska state law. If she doesn't, then I won't hesitate to report her to Alaska Wage and Hour. Bwah hah hah.


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