Summertime in New Hampshire / family weirdness / Shane rules

May 31, 2009 12:52

Rob, Chris, and I drove down to Boston the other night to pick up Shane from the airport. On the way back, something happened with his car so we were only driving on three cylinders for about an hour. It was...interesting, to say the least. So yesterday morning we took the car to the shop in downtown Plymouth, with the intention of walking back to the house. Shane thought we should go drop in on Rob, so we did. He's in the process of trying to cell his iPhone so he can make enough money to fly to Hawai'i in a week. I think it's kind of a half-baked plan and I'll be genuinely surprised if he actually makes it there. Lol, kids. Anyway, the three of us started trudging back up to the house. When we got to the bridge over the river, we noticed some suspiciously homosexual-seeming people floating on rafts. On a hunch, we figured that our friend Ezra must have been with them, and of course we were correct. All of these guys and gals (only a few of them were actually gay...the rest were just theatre people) were preparing to have a barbecue that evening, and they invited us. So Rob, Shane, and I walked back up to the house, where I let Rob use my computer to get on Craigslist. We all got a ride to the barbecue on the PSU campus, and it was lots of fun. Very nice people. The general consensus was that we should go down to Manchester and hit the bar, so we chilled out at Ezra's for a bit, then his friend Johnny showed up and we got on the highway. On the way, I started falling into a strangely dour mood...I think it was a combination of the really bad pop trash music they were playing, some general social anxiety and stress. Anyway, the bar was pretty fun but more crowded than I was in the mood for. I slept most of the way back home last night.

Shane's mom just came to pick him up and bring him back to their house in Lunenberg, Vermont so that he can go to a doctor's appointment and maybe use her car until his is fixed. Shane asked me if I wanted to come with him, which I think is funny because the one time I've been to his house, he asked his father if he wanted to meet me and he said he didn't. I didn't take it personally, of course...I can't make an old farmer man be comfortable with his son being gay...but it has made it so I don't really want to go back there if I can avoid it.

Shane is an awesome boyfriend. He challenges me. He constantly surprises me with how smart he is...which isn't to say that he comes across as unintelligent - it's just that he's a person who doesn't wear his intelligence like a badge. I find that very attractive in guys. We still have a lot of ground to cover, emotionally. It's tricky living together and growing as a couple when we both have our own separate things that we're quite stressed out about. I tend not to reveal my insecurities, for fear of him not liking me as much or whatever. I'm trying to make an effort to speak up when something isn't how I'd like. Last night I bottled up some stuff while we were in the car and had a mild explosion that might have hurt his feelings, had he not understood. That's pretty great.

Anyway. I have the house to myself for the time being. I think we have a new roommate moving in today. Douchemonger has moved out, thank GOD. Let's hope the new roomie is amiable.

new hampshire, relationships, summer fun, family, shane

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