I created the number thirty-six

Nov 05, 2011 21:12

Remember remember the 5th of November,
When Hogwarts decides who's hot.
I can see no reason why in this season
Sexiness be forgot!
- an original poem by me

The days are getting chillier, and with that comes dumpy sweaters, giant scratchy scarves, runny noses and sniffles! It's not an attractive season. And that is exactly WHY we need to remember how sexy we are!

That's right. I'm reviving the prefect-approved Great Hogwarts-Only Sexy Tournament! Once again, we'll democratically decide the sexiest teacher, sexiest female student, and second sexiest male student after myself.

The sexy tournament is still only open to 5th years and up. 1st through 4th years, you guys aren't sexy, but you ARE adorable! So I am pleased to announce that there's a new facet to this glorious event: the School's Adorable Scamp Survey, or S.A.S.S for short! Unlike the tournament, there's no separation of boys and girls in this scamp-off, so only one can be the most adorable scamp. You're all too young to have people thinking too hard about your genders anyway.

Nominations will be open for a week! I've DRENCHED this entry in spells, so nominations will be anonymous and visible only to me, while people who want to compliment me in person will be visible by all! I know, I know, I'm so talented.

To nominate, just copy some of the charms I've made!

House and Year: [if student - 5th years and up only]
Teaching Position: [if teacher/TA]
Picture: [copy + paste a link to a representative pic - no porn/nudes, please]

House and Year: [1st through 4th years only]
Picture: [copy + paste a link to a representative pic]
WHY ARE THEY THE ADORABLIEST??: [adorabliest is a word]

Good luck, everyone~!

[ooc: Further details here! But basically: fill out the prompts above IC and ANONYMOUSLY and have fun!]

great hogwarts only sexy tournament, school's adorable scamp survey, g.h.o.s.t, s.a.s.s, guy fawkes rolls in his grave(s)

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