Title: Locker Room Correspondence
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Characters/Pairing: Nick Stokes/Sara Sidle
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 288
Summary: A series of notes passed between Sara and Nick in their lockers.
Author’s Note: Assumes a pre-existing relationship between Nick and Sara. Includes a slight reference to Greg/Wendy. Experimental for me in that the entire thing is written in epistolary fashion, hence the style.
"nick, stop trying to kiss me in the lab, cath thinks she's on to us. -s."
"does that mean we can kiss when we're not in the lab? -n."
"if you play your cards right : ) -s."
"cath cornered me today and asked me what was up with you. -n."
"what did you say?? -s."
"i said she should ask you herself. -n."
"oh thanks. -s."
"what did cath say?? i saw you two talking in her office. -n."
"she asked me if we were a couple. -s."
"and? what did you say? -n."
"i told her that we're seeing where things go. -s."
"nick. what was that for? -s."
"you said we're seeing where things go. -n."
"yeah, and kissing me in front of the team and the lab techs shows that? -s."
"yeah : ) -n."
"greg is going to have a field day with torturing us. you know that, right? -s."
"we could always remind him that i saw him making out with wendy in his car after shift on tuesday... -n."
"...wait, what?! -s."
"i thought i told you! -n."
"uh, no. no, you didn't. -s."
"i'll tell you about it later. -n."
"To Nick and Sara: stop passing notes through your lockers. This isn't junior high anymore - whatever you have to say can be said to everyone, or can wait until you're off-duty. -Catherine"
"how did she find out?! -s."
"i guess she was in the locker room when i slipped that last note in. damn it. -n."
"it's okay, i'll have you make up for it when we get home. ; ) i have that new black lacy thing you liked in the catalog... -s."
"looking forward to it!! -n."
Themes Used: 30_kisses #2 - News; Letter and mission_insane Theme: Colors, #7 - Black.