TABLE: 16candles_fics Claim [CSI: New York; Danny/Aiden]

Nov 16, 2009 07:55

o1. Fiery Days.
o2. Frozen Sparks.
o3. Warm Glow.
o4. Decaying Conflagration.

o5. Sealed with Wax.
o6. Eternal Sunset.
o7. Fireflies of Smoke.
o8. Falling Star.

o9. Melting into Dreams.
1o. Silent Embers.
11. Rainy Day Inferno.
12. Blaze of Glory.

13. Candlelit Loss.
14. Incendiary Comment.
15. Fluttering Flame.
16. Wick's End.

ship: danny/aiden, comm: 16candles_fics, -table, fandom: csi new york

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