FIC: CSI: TARDIS Chapter Two [Crossover; Multiple Pairings]

Jul 06, 2009 04:45

Stella started to step back slowly. "No ma'am. You have your ID on. It says, 'Rose: Coroner's Assistant.' Nothing more," Stella said nervously.

"Oh...sorry about that then, ma'am," Rose said, smiling, "Continue on with your part of the investigation."

Stella smiled weakly as she walked away with Mac trailing her.

The Doctor and Rose knelt next to the body and waited for Mac to walk away.

"Ease off a little, Rose. These people just lost their friend," the Doctor warned.


"Well, this is definitely our girl," the Doctor said, "She's oozing the pink mist. Now that that gentleman is gone, we can do all we need to."

The Doctor grabbed a small laser from his medical kit and activated it. A bright blue stream of light shot out and expanded over Lindsay's body. The light traveled up and down her lifeless form before it stopped moving and flashed three times.

The Doctor remarked, "Done. Can you hand me the monitor from the bag?"

Rose leaned over and gave the Doctor the monitor. He then took the laser and put it in a small hole in the monitor. The screen lit up and numbers started to race across the screen before it finally settled on the coroner's report that it had just created.

"Name is Lindsay Monroe. Time of death seems to be about an hour or so before we got here. Cause of death is stabbing. Hmmm...on further examination, it appears she was stabbed to death by a pair of tweezers. Appears the telekinetic made our killer quite angry with Miss Monroe here. She was stabbed over twenty-five times. That seems to be it, other than a dark brown hair on her left bicep," the Doctor finished.

"I'll bag that for them," Rose said, as she leaned over and plucked the hair off of Lindsay's arm. "Poor thing. She was definitely far too young to die," she commented as she bagged the hair.

"Alright then, Rose. And with that, we're done here. Let's load the body on a body bag and transport her to our coroner's van," the Doctor said with a smile.

"Umm...Doctor? One problem," Rose said.

The Doctor turned around."What is that, Rose?"

Rose looked at him, puzzled, and said, "We don't have a coroner's van."

Danny had been ferociously searching the crime scene, trying to keep his mind off of the pain getting more and more intense within himself. Not physical pain. No. Danny could handle even the worst physical pains. This pain was different. This pain was emotional. His soul had never felt so empty before in his life and the only way he could escape those feelings of hopelessness were by working. So he persisted and he kept looking for worthwhile evidence, but so far, the only thing he had found was a small footprint that was either made by a large child or a female. Danny was heavily suspecting the latter. He was about to start looking all over again at the start when Stella and Mac approached him.

"Find anything good Danny?" Mac asked trying to gauge how Danny was doing from his answer to his question.

"Got a woman's footprint," Danny said shortly, seeming almost too exasperated to even eke that small sentence out.

"How about you take a break, Danny? Maybe go back to the lab or grab a bite to ea-" Mac began.

"No, Mac. I need to focus on catching this bitch," Danny said, anger rising. "I need to find the bitch who took her from me. Who took my Lindsay away," he finished, tears blurring the corners of his vision.

"Hey. We'll get her Danny. I promise we will," Stella said, trying to reassure Danny. "You just got to give it some time. We're not going to be able to solve this right away, not even with you working non-stop."

"I-I know Stella, but I-I can't. It just hurts too much," Danny said, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks.

Now both Stella and Mac were in awe. There was only one time either of them could remember Danny even shedding a single tear and that was on 9/11. The combination of the destruction and the heroics of the firefighters just overwhelmed him. But that was one single time a little over 7 years earlier. This was different. This Danny was one that he never wanted anyone to see.

"It's okay, Danny," Mac said, weakly smiling. "You work for as long as you need to and when you need to take a break, no matter how many you take, go ahead. We all understand."

Danny nodded sadly. He knew he would take Mac up on that offer many times. Including now. He could feel his legs already buckling. He would've collapsed in on himself and started a mental breakdown, but he saw a glimmer of light bounce off of something not even 10 feet from Lindsay. He immediately brushed his tears away and made his way around both Stella and Mac towards the object. He knelt down in the grass.

"Mac, Stella, you're not going to like this," he said as he picked up a pen from the grass.

"What is that?" Stella asked, curious.

"It's a specially made pen, only given to coroners and CSIs. And considering that we know the killer is female, all the coroners are male, and Lindsay looked a little too far damaged for it to be suicide, which only leaves one person. You," he said harshly, glaring at Stella. "What have you got to say now, Stella?"

fandom: doctor who, fandom: csi miami, fic: csi tardis, fandom: csi las vegas, fandom: csi new york

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