I had a pretty spectacular Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we tracked Santa online to see when he got close. Sarah read "The Night Before Christmas" to Darby at bed time and she went to sleep without a fight.
Darby actually told us that she didn't want to open any more presents when she still had a lot left to open....she was a little spoiled this year, but we justified it since its her last Christmas as an only child.
I was pretty spoiled as well. I got a handful of CD's, a super nice 8" chef's knife, some Wii games, the new Steve Martin autobiography, and possibly the best gift of all...the first season of the Tick on DVD. They've been playing re-runs on one of the all cartoon channels and I've been DVR'ing them to watch with Darby. She loves it, so her present to me was the DVD. She's asked every night to watch the Tick before bed.