Jan 11, 2007 13:11
My dear on-line family,
I have been silent low these many weeks because I have a stick up my ass and can't think of anything to write about. However, the President's speech last night was the straw that broke the camel's back. And I now must verbally spew forth my venom.
*removes stick, and clears throat...
21,500 additional troops; embedded with Iraqi units; patrolling the city and trying to restore order. Where does he come up with this stuff? I mean, imagine Iraqi patrols, with Iraqi officers in command, moving around the city after dark. And approximately 2 of every 100 soldiers is an American. A squad of Shiites gets pinned down in a Sunni neighborhood by two Sunni squads. They're blasting each other to bits with RPG and mortar fire, and what choice do the American soldiers have but to return fire and try to protect themselves? The problem is, of course, that there are Americans in all three squads. See? That's the problem with getting involved in a civil war and not taking one side or another. Eventually you end up fighting against yourself. Everyone wants to compare Iraq to Vietnam. But it's worse. At least in Vietnam we picked a side (the south) and stuck with it. We're in Iraq and we're trying to support all sides at once.
So I watched this clown try to read this speech, and it sounded like the first time reading through something he didn't really understand. The speech had a lot of compound sentences, and he would reach the comma, or semicolon, and stop... like it was the end of the sentence... and then realize he goofed up and try to repeat the voice inflection you get at the end of a statement so he could tie in the rest of the thought. Clearly, he didn't really have a firm grasp on what he was reading. It's as if Karl Rove came to him just before he went on stage and said "George, this is the most important speech of your entire career. Try not to fuck it up, try not to look like you're suppressing a laugh, and for godsake, read it just like it is."
Like he never read it until the moment he stepped onto the stage.
Our President is a supreme idiot. He's still being led by psychopathic neocon policy wonks. And his options are getting dangerously small because he has alienated everyone who could possibly help him. The UN. Democrats in Congress. Syria. Iran. Russia. He's badly fucked, and he's going to do something stupid to try to salvage his presidency...
You know what they say. "When you ain't got nothin', you ain't got nothin' left to lose." He's ready to go for bust to "win" this war, because he has nothing left to lose. If he stays in and loses, he'll still go down in history as a colossal failure. He may as well try to win (even if it means another 10,000 American lives). A man in that position is dangerous to all of us. Please Congress, for the future of our country, impeach this failure now and end our national nightmare.