Sep 21, 2006 11:51

Ok. I don't really know that for sure, but here's what I DO know...

"Nearly 10 percent of men who told public health pollsters they were straight also told them they'd had sex with a man in the previous 12 months, according to a study conducted in New York City"

It's like a Brokeback Mountain kind of thing. "I'm not gay. I love my wife, I only have sex with my male friend. It's not like that makes me gay!"

So it brings to mind GOP stalwarts like Spokane Mayor Jim West. Remember him? He's the virulently anti-gay Republican who turned out to be fishing for young studs on the internet. He thought he found an 18-year old one on the internet and offered him a cushy government job in exchange for "companionship". Sadly for Jim, the young stud turned out to be an intrepid reporter. It hit all the newspapers and Jim went on saying "I'm not gay. I just like to have sex with men". He got voted out by the way...

I'm sure there are others. Does it seem to you that perhaps the most virulently anti-gay conservatives are part of that 10%? Perhaps they are just externalizing their internal battle over homosexuality. Think about guys like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Orin Hatch, George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, John Ashecroft, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter (secretly a man). Ok, got 'em all in your head? Well that's 10 guys who say they're "straight". Statistically, one of 'em slept with a man in the previous 12 months. My vote is for John Ashecroft. It's gotta be him... but I mean "Bush" and "Dick"??? doesn't anyone else thing that's just a little strange?
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