Why, why, why, oh, why are you quick to kiss?

May 17, 2009 23:32

I thought of some other song obsessions: You're My Flame by Zero 7, Be Still My Heart by the Postal Service, Umbrella by Rhianna, and Souls Like the Wheels by the Avett Brothers.  Right now I cannot stop listening to Snails by The Format.

Lindsey's graduation was oh so much fun.  I left several hours after work on Friday, called Graham upon my arrival in the wee hours of the morning, and grabbed a quick nap in the Gribbin House living room.  I awoke with cheerful hellos to Lindsey and Lydia and Genevieve, then off to breakfast with the siblings and Aunt Alice and Uncle Jim.  Back at the house we read some stories out of Pretty Little Things, which was appropriately entertaining.

Later I battled traffic to meet the Aunt and Uncle at Wal-mart/Sam's for some grocery fun, then a quick trip back to campus for the actual New College ceremony.  There in a great long row were Aunt Dana, David, Grandmomma, Nancy, Katie, Morgan, Mom, Meagan, Gramma, Uncle Keith, Dad, and Graham!  My oh my, but it was a beautiful sight.  The event was short and sweet; the speakers were interesting and the graduates glowing.  We ambushed Lindsey with celebratory confetti poppers in the lobby afterward, shared a few awkward minutes snapping pictures and not quite mixing with the crowd, then re-convened in the Canterbury for some delicious fun and exciting food.

Little things made that day so nice... Uncle Jim cutting limes for the Corona, Nancy turning cartwheels in the yard, Dad strumming his guitar... family is good.  I wish Everyone could have stayed longer, although the night that followed was fun as well.  The family trickled away, with an especially tearful goodbye to Meagan, who left for California on Tuesday.  Those of us left- if my memory serves me, that was me, Lindsey, Graham, Alex (whose mother I was able to meet; she made a mean batch of turnip greens!), Lydia (whose family I got to see (including the elusive Henry!), although I didn't get to spend near enough time with them (can you ever spend enough time with Velma Atkins?)), Genevieve (after a brief hiatus in which she joined adventured out with her family), Drew (a new friend we (kinda) made that day) and... hmm.  I think that was it at the time, although please forgive (and promptly correct) me if I've left anyone out.  I've compiled that silly list just to say that we mostly scattered and took naps!  Eventually we awoke to scavenge for left over beer and potato salad, began a game of Trvial Pursuit, and enjoyed the company of Ryan and Ben and Max and Nicole and various other kindred spirits.

Graham and Lindsey and Ryan and I late went to the Bear Trap to see Chris (who had also been at the afternoon's festivities) play and drink a few beers... that is to say, we drank beer and Chris played guitar.  We did not go to watch Chris drink beer.  ANYway, I played a lonesome game of quarters for the first part of the night, much to the annoyance of my companions, until Brock showed his smiling face and upped the stakes by... well, by playing, so it was an actual game and not just me throwing quarters at a cup of beer.  Lindsey joined, and by the end of the night we were really very good, to the delight of the barkeep, I'm sure, as our intended one round became two and three and four.  There toward the end the bar really filled up, and we visited with another friend, Boone, for a bit, and then it was home again for more scavenging, and perhaps a little bit of dancing amidst the glow of a light-switch rave.

Sunday morning, I eventually breakfasted with Ryan and Lydia and Lindsey at Sonic before Ryan and Lydia parted for the day.  The afternoon involved another nap, if I'm not mistaken, some light reading and light showers.  Graham and I had dinner at a Chinese place downtown, where we were served cripy fried "chips" and what appeared to be a bowl of warm ketchup before our meal.  As we left I had a brief conversation with a young woman at an outdoor table, who was down on her luck and vomited in the middle of our conversation (although she continued talking immediately following said spewage without any acknowledgment of the abrupt eruption) and then I packed up the car and headed for home.

It was hard to leave, though.  That is a fun group there.  I think I will miss Lindsey's college experience as much as she will.

Not to far away from Montgomery I almost hit a deer, which led to the scariest incident in recent memory.  She appeared very suddenly on 82, dark and beautiful and terrifying.  I swerved left, missed her by inches I'm sure (although at the time the violent jerking of my car convinced me that she had, indeed, been hit), and fishtailed on the grass and gravel alongside the highway.  Seconds later-- days, really, but time gets funny situations like these-- the back end of my car took a final swerve, sending me back on the road, perched in the same lane, facing north this time, and all I could think about was an episode of the Gilmore Girls where Rory gets hit by a deer and how I didn't die and how I should call my parents (which I did).

Once in the city a black jeep pulled up behind me a cut off his lights for a spell before exiting, and at the well-lit gas station I was approached by a man asking for gas money.  My dear frazzled nerves went on strike at that point, and remained in hiding for the better part of a week.  As you can see though, dear sweet Reader, I made it home safe and sound, and I'm already so behind in my updates that this long rambly entry does does even begin to cover my most recent tales of joy and sorrow.

It is late.  And I tire.

Until next time...

velma atkins, family, grandmomma, ryan spain, pretty little things, genivieve turkett, morgan mullen, uncle jim, uncle keith, graduation, aunt dana, david mullen, graham, chris cook, nancy mullen, meagan, deer, music, katie mullen, gramma, lindsey, books, lydia atkins, mom, dad, aunt alice, gribbin house

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