This is the kind of comedy where no one's laughing, 'cause it's hard to.

Apr 21, 2007 20:50

Did I ever tell you about the time Shareese, O'Brian, and I explored a terribly old graveyard in Birmingham?  If I forgot to mention it before, let me say this: it was beautiful and spontaneous and novel-worthy.

And have I mentioned, lately, that I have the loveliest friends?  I'm sure I've said so before, but I wanted to remind you.

Last night Graham, Jonathan, Jeff, and I (and Chris joined us later) ate at Legends, over on Seminary Street), and I must say, it was quite nice.  I really enjoyed it.  Walking out the door we saw Catlin and Chase and their cohorts, and later we ran into Grace Alverson and I met several new people (Adam (who works at Subway and is just about the prettiest thing I ever did see), Breeanna (who didn't talk much), and Aaron (who I would love to put in a snow globe and carry around to show off to my friends- he's just that cute)).  We walked to the corner, and I felt like a pimp (and why shouldn't I, with such pretty young men around me?).  It was crowded and exciting and I love Florence.  I really do.

Later Jeff and I watched Cursed, which we both thought was a new one for us, but it turned out that the movie was familiar to both of us.  Anyway, it was pretty good for a cheesy horrorish flick.  The other not we watched Hellbent, by the by, and it was surprisingly good.  This morning we made steak and eggs with sauteed green peppers and onions, and I must say, it was fantastic.  Then we watched Underworld, then Jeff went to work and I went to have my car washed by Chris and his Old Navy Crew, who were raising money for muscular dystrophy, then I grabbed some Subway and went to eat with Jeff, then I visited with my momma for a bit, then I picked up the boys, then we went to Spring Park, where Jetson met us for a bit, then we came here, then then became now, and now the boys are asleep and I'm updating you, dear Journal!

Anyone wanna play tonight?  [Hint: The Answer is Me]

Really, I'm tired tired, but I just feel so embraced right now.  I mean, things are really stressful, what with school and whatnot, and leaving and all the stuff going on, but then I look at how many good good people are all around me, and things are okay, ya know?

Anyway, if I buy a 47 person bed, will you all join me in a big cuddle?

underworld, hellbent, chris, jeff, jensen, shareese, graham, grace, jonathan, cursed, aaron, catlin, breeanna, chase, adam, o'brian

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