They come knocking at your door with that look in their eyes...

Jan 17, 2007 14:17

I think it's high time I slipped into despair or coasted into euphoria.  My life of late seems to be so extreme.

Monday night saw us waiting excitedly for Invisible Children, only to find that through some mishap or miscommunication they were not, in fact, screening the video.  Most of the day had been spent in giddy anticipation of the event; I was ready to share this video with friends and to meet the people touring Alabama.  Instead, we sat outside the GUC in the rain scrambling to find some sort of explanation for the dark halls and locked doors.  It was... disappointing, to say the least.

Aubrey then said we should eat at Riverside, which is an all-night dinner here in Florence (which I want to frequent more often).  Jessica, Jeff, Graham, Chris, Chris Jordan, and I had dinner there, then went back to my apartment (sans Chris Jordan and Graham, plus O'Brian) and made lemon bars for Jeff's birthday and played Twister Moves.  And so I jumped back up- it's very difficult to stay mopey among friends as good as mine.  It was amazing and wonderful and fun; it's the kind of event that usually plays at the end of a goofy movie for kids while the credits role and some song about friendship slowly fades in as the scene fades out.

I worked Tuesday, then got my oil changed and ran a few errands with Jeff.  We went to The Well to see the Invisible Children there, but we were once again let down.  Apparently posters reading "IC at 7" were delivering a message I failed to decode in time: Worship and singing at 7, IC in the youth room whenever we're finished.  Jeff and I stayed for a little bit (enough to find this out and see the preview for Invisible Children), then headed back to his apartment.  I was so uncomfortable there!  I could stomach that kind of service, and maybe even enjoy it, if I was there with friends who valued this type of worship; then it would be more about my friends than the actual material, and I can do that.  But that wasn't the case, and so I was glad to be rid of the place.  We went home and had quiche and watched Avatar with Chris.  Later we watched Bent, which is one of the most depressing gay Nazi films I've ever seen- granted, it is the only gay Nazi film I've seen, but I would wager that it would still be at the top if the list was longer.

This morning I've been jumping through hoops trying to get registered; so far I'm in two classes.  I'm very excited about Nature Writing, which I attended this afternoon.  I'm also in Freshman Composition, which should be interesting.  (At BSC, I was put into the next level because of my entrance essay.  Because there was no actual test and because BSC didn't give credit for the freshman course, I have to take it here... even while I'm in 400 level classes.  Funny, right?  I could have taken a test here, but I figure I need the hours and I need a good grade, so I might as well take it.)  I'm trying to get into Literary Criticism, but the teacher has been out of the office and the class did not meet in the scheduled room, so I will have to keep searching for that professor.  Right now, Women in Literature is meeting, but they met in a different building as well, which I found out by texting Christian after the class had started and after waiting in the other room for 15 minutes before class started.  I'll be skulking about the classroom in about 25 minutes (when the current meeting ends) in an attempt to get into this course.  Wish me luck!

I had a bit of a break-down in the parking lot of the BCM this morning, then I went home to take a nap before my next round of chase-the-professor this afternoon.  I felt a lot better when I woke... for about an hour.  Ugh.

I talked to Jess yesterday, which was really nice.

This weekend was amazing, too, by the way, but I don't feel like typing about it right now.

Oh!  I finished Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close!  I know I said I was having a hard time getting into it at first, but towards the end... man.  I've never had a book that didn't grab me until the last quarter, but this one did.  I couldn't put it down.  Lance, I think you would really enjoy it.

birthday, graham, life, chris, invisible children, aubrey, jess, lance, school, jeff, jessica, chris jordan, god, extremely loud and incredibly close, o'brian

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