And a rock feels no pain. And an island never cries.

Nov 26, 2006 23:37

And so passes another wonderful Thanksgiving.  I had a lot of fun with my cousins; they've grown up so much.  It's kinda strange being the older influential cousin...  Anyway, dinner at my grandmother's, joined by her sisters and family.  It was wonderful.

Earlier that week I dined at Olive Garden in celebration of Jessica's birthday with her, Meaghan, Jeff, O'Brian, and Erica; it was wonderful (except they ran out of olive oil... how does Olive Garden run out of Olive Oil?).  Afterwards we headed to my place, sans Erica, to hang out for a bit and place some card games and what not; we were joined by Chris and (briefly) Jonathan.  I my friends.  We should have birthdays more often.

To follow in this non-sequential path, let me tell you about yesterday: 'twas wonderful.  Impromptu plans to visit the Quest were successful.  Chris and I drove to Cullman, where we picked up Jeff, then we went to Tyler's to see him and Lance and Britni and Britney.  Later we went to the club, and it was a lot of fun.  My thighs hurt like crazy; clubbing counts as a trip to the gym.  I'm pretty stoked that I was there with the four hottest guys in the whole place.  We watched the sunset this morning and left at 8; Jeff and I hung out at his house for a bit and I got to meet his lovely parents before we headed home (we also lunched at Taco Bell).  Before napping, I watched Invisible Children again today with Lindsey and the parents.  I can't wait for you all to see it.  Now, my sleep pattern is totally screwed.

Oh, I still haven't found my keys.  I guess I get to shell out 50 bucks to get a new one made for the car.  I'm sure they'll turn up the day after that happens.  Oh, well... I guess I'll have an extra key, at least (though we have an extra somewhere anyway... just no one can find it).  I'm pretty bummed now that I realize I may not find this set of keys ever, as they may have been taken out with the garbage or something.  I don't get attached to things very easily, but I did have the key to my first apartment on there, and I wanted to keep that for a while.

In general, life is pretty good.  I'm not so good.  I mean, I am, I'm happy, mostly, but I'm spiraling right back into the slump I hit last semester.  When I'm not feeling totally indifferent to school, I feel stressed and incompetant.  I feel like I'm not using the talents with which I've been blessed.  I wish I was doing better in school.  I wish stress didn't build up like it does, and I wish I would stop repressing things whenever other people are around.

In general, life is pretty good.

cousins, chris, jeff, jessica, jonathan, life, tyler, erica, invisible children, lance, school, lindsey, thanksgiving, meaghan, britney, mom, britni, dad, lake, o'brian

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