Last Christmas, I gave you my heart...

Nov 17, 2006 10:08

I'm trying to ward off the onslaught of Christmas music, but it's becoming more difficult.  I love Christmas music.  I do.  It makes me happy.  I listen to it alllll the time.  But I have a strict "Christmas is after Thanksgiving" policy.  The better part of November should NOT be about Christmas.  Gosh.

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  I took the boys to Northside, where we saw my dad (always a plus) and looked at the school.  After that we went to the Muscle Shoals Fire Department, where we got a grand tour of the fire station.  Following that we headed to McDonalds, so we could get out some excess energy on the playground; Mom met us there (always a plus ;).  Once I left their house, I met with Jeff and we headed to the gym, and I felt super duper afterwards.  I went straight from the gym to Kid Safari, where I subbed for a couple hours, and that was really fun; I had the 3's and once my numbers were down, all the kids started playing with babies and it was sooooo friggin cute.  Then I taking care of the baby dolls so the "parents" could go to "work."  So I ran a day care within a day care.  Teehee.  I left Kid Safari to meet Kacy at the movies; we saw The Return, which was pretty good, though not what I'd expected.  Also, I got to hang out with Kacy, so it was very fun. :)  I left the movies to hit up Wal*mart.

Let me tell on myself here for a second.  I have no clean clothes in the apartment.  None.  So my main purpose at Wal*mart was to buy something to wear today.  Is that pitiful or what?  I'm really excited about my new clothes, though...

Anyway, I also got some groceries and several boxes of cookies, which I took to Best Buy.  There was a gaggle of guys there who had been waiting two nights for the new playstation, so I dunno... it was so cold and they'd been there two nights... Anyway, I brought them cookies.  After that I headed home, where Jessica showed up on my doorstep, and we chatted and ate pomegranate and had a jolly good evening before she headed home and I headed to bed.

This morning I got up comparatively early and breakfasted with Jeff; we were supposed to work out but we didn't, and so we'll do that this afternoon.  Now I'm here in the library talking to you, Reader.

Five for Fighting: amazing, or what?  Unless the "what" is > "amazing," I don't wanna hear it.  I love him.

kacy, movies, christmas, thanksgiving, five for fighting, jeff, kid safari, jessica, mom, dad, harris, william

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