Ups and Downs

Aug 17, 2004 23:27

   Well, today has been quite a series... good newses and bad newses, as it were.  First, let me be sad.

Mom and Dad want the kittens gone.  I am pissed and sad and more pissed.  NOT pissed as I could be though... they told me to get rid of them as soon as I got them, but I didn't, so I am way more attached now than I could have been.  BUT, I'm still pissed because they're original arguments hold up even less than before.  They're complaining about how they don't have time to deal with three kittens, and about how they already have two cats.  BUT, I've had these suckers for 17 days now, and they haven't so much as SEEN them, except for on the day of their discovery.  They've been to the house, and it doesn't smell like cat.  They haven't even had to pay for things.  I've taken litter from their house twice, and like 3 cups of food, but now I've bought litter, and I've bought most of their food.  And since Mom and Dad aren't even feeding ME right now, I think it evens out pretty well.
   Lindsey says she'll feed them and clean the litter box (and play with them sometimes).  Graham says he'll come over a couple times a week to play with them.  They're all using the box now.  I can be home every other weekend.  I have extended breaks in October, November, AND December.  And I'm paying for everything!  I don't think it's animal cruelty or anything, either.  No, it's not a big house, but they have more than a few spots they like to lounge in, and I've hooked up ribbons and toys around that they like to play with.  And anyplace is better than being attacked by big cats at their old home... they're tails are still all scabby. :(

Anyway... good news... no, GREAT news!!! I'M GOING TO BSC NEXT SEMESTER!!!  For definite.  I don't know where the parents got the money, but they did.  I asked if they were, in fact, selling the car meant for me, as suggested, and Dad actually said he wasn't sure, yet.  So woohoo!  I'm so excited to not be in limbo anymore!!!

Another downer... this guy I met online turns out to be a real cockblocker, which pisses me off.  One of two people I met last semester that I've kept in touch with... as in, actual conversations, knowing what's going on in his life, and enjoying his company.  Turns out he's an ignorant bastard.  And I hope he burns in Hell.  Surrounded by a gay chorus line taunting him for his prejudices.  Douche bag.  Jacob_Maddox on yahoo, if anyone feels like harassing him.  Please.  Do.

Another up... Lance is online!  So that's been my day... I'll talk to you lovely ladies and gents later!

graham, frigg, lance, lindsey, school, jude, mom, morwen, dad

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