tylenol pm is my best friend right now.

May 09, 2005 00:25

Your Political Profile

Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal

Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

How Liberal / Conservative Are You?

should a little quiz online tell me who i am? i don't know. maybe that's why i still have undecided nest to my name at the town hall. and maybe that's why ross is an independent. i like demorcats. it makes sense to me. i don't know. i read things online from sources, and it's just a lot of things don't make sense the way they are going right now.

not to be political, but from what i understand, bush's people payed people in the news to 'promote' himself and lie about certain things. and he's not getting into any trouble for this. when it is COMPLETELY illegal. yet, clinton was almost impeached because he got lucky with some women other than his wife and denied it, which any man would do, but then told the truth knowing it was the best. soo...yeah...

anyway...i hung out with my future roomies today. it was nice. we all took a group nap for awhile. it was fun. (we were not naked)

umm...i've come to many self realizations this weekend. (i had a lot of time on my own)
monica left for the weekend...and so most of saturday i spent sitting, thinking, crying. all that fun emo girl shit. and i realized so much.
and i'm sort of glad i did...
i woke up crying friday night...because i had this dream. i lost someone who has been in my heart for awhile now...and so i woke up...crying my eyes out. i almost called up kelly asking if i could borrow her car. to drive to maine.

i'm glad that this semester is almost over. i really want to go home. relax. make some money. see my friends. feel loved. all that.

oh yeah, and last night, crazy party at heidi's. i can't wait to live in puffton.
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