(no subject)

Dec 20, 2007 12:04

i just need to vent for a few seconds....so stressed out right now and i should be sleeping but i cant : / moving right before the holidays is a big fucking disaster! dont do it! its cold, should be reason enough. i packed up a good deal of my stuff in my bedroom, but when i was there the heat wasnt working...which meant we were out of oil. great. even though patti JUST called me 2 days ago and said the oil is fine, you dont have to worry about it. dont know where she got the idea that it was ok? apparently they checked it 2 weeks ago and it was 3/8th full. fine. but why would you just assume that would be okay in the winter? i dont really care that its cold, more concerned about the furnace. and really, i was under no obligation to even call her since she said it was fine (i assumed, since she told my dad the account wasnt in my name, that she had it switched back to auto delivery. apparently not) but i did anyway. she was surprised, and of course we're out of oil and now it needs to be primed. it annoys me bc i dont want this spinned around so that somehow its our fault bc i tried to resolve this weeks ago. i just dont get why she didnt have the account turned back into her name, and put it back on autodelivery when they told her i terminated the account (Which by the way I DID NO SO THING.) does that make absolutely no f'n sense or what since she was going to have to put more oil in anyway? so anyway. and i cant get a hold of my sister which means i have to trust her to call goodwill/the borough so we can figure out how to get all the crap out of the apartment since we obviously cant take it. its not that i dont trust her its just that she never remembers with all the crap she tries to do. i would just do it myself but i am so sick of doing everything for this apt. i dealt with the utilities, i usually was the one to deal with patti when stuff broke or went wrong, i was the only one who took out the trash/recycles, did dishes (tho granted most of them were mine), took care of the cat, was the only one who bothered to clean the common area, go through the mail, etc. hell last year the christmas tree was up till MARCH and finally i got sick of pine needles everywhere. i shouldnt have to do everything when there are other people there (now i know how my mom feels). but thats besides the point. so its christmas too and that means the borough is probably closed for a few days and everything must be out and clean by the 27th. and yea i havent even had time to buy anything for christmas. dont even know when thats gonna happen at this point. i got jaimes cause i bought online and part of moms, part of dads. ugh. thought writing would make me feel better but it doesnt.
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