i won't lie. this year started out a bit rough. i kept saying this month that every year in the past, i kinda had this attitude that was like, "god, i hope this year's not as shitty as last year" but seriously. i have a damn good feeling about this new year.
i didn't like where i live now at first. i was feeling really cramped and i didn't want to hang out with my roommates/old friends because i had felt like i didn't relate to them anymore and all this shit. i thought about moving away for a while just, for fun. i don't know. but. i'm glad i didn't. 'cause all that shit passed. it was like a ridiculous depressed episode, i swear. bullshit, really. i don't know
my life is going exactly where i had dreamed it would be 3 years ago when say from charms broke up. it might have taken a little longer than i had wished, but it all has come together so perfectly and honestly, in such good, perfect time.
in january, we're going to build our very own SOUNDPROOF studio downstairs in our garage. me and john and aj and hondo some other people are finally going to start the most EPIC, psychedelic, rockin' and electronic as FUCK band that's ever come out of san diego. i'm gonna spin and produce my own drum n bass beats, and other select, FUNKY dance music genres.
and this guy paul i've gotten to know pretty well is gonna teach me how to play guitar properly. so that i can shred anything i want
but it's going to take time. it's all going to take time...
