A Sunset Couldn't Save Me Now

Dec 26, 2011 20:19

Title: A Sunset Couldn’t Save Me Now
Author: yourpalkara
Pairing/characters: Dean, Sam, Lisa (gen)
Rating: PG
Word count: 413
Summary: You’re beautiful but you’re empty. No one could die for you.
Notes: Um… this is a SPN/The Little Prince crossover.  Or AU?  Something.  The title is from a song that is also based on that novel.  One day I’ll come up with my own damn ideas and stop writing, like, 12-word ficlets copying writers that I can only hope to be half as good as. Real fic coming soon!!

His dad’s away and it’s just Dean against the whole entire world.  The whole entire world is this thing that looks like Sam.  But isn’t.

“I can be your brother now,” is what it’s saying.  Dean thinks he can’t have heard right.  How can it think, is it really so dim it could say words like that and expect him to nod and nod?

“You can’t.  You’re nothing like my brother.”  He wants to laugh because it’s so ridiculous a thought, that this creature, or that anything, could replace Sam.  “Nothing like my Sam.”

He inches towards it.  Feels small in its shadow but thinks if he could pick that shadow up and hold it high above the creature’s head, he could make it feel just the same.

“You’re nothing at all.  My Sammy, I’d do anything for him.  Would die for him. You, I wouldn’t do that for.  No one would.  See, my brother Sam’s more important than you and all the things like you.  To me, to our dad, to the world, even.  He’s the one I’ve looked after.  He’s the one who sets my teeth on edge when he complains about hunting another one of you; and he’s the one I pat on the back afterwards and say it’s fine it’s gonna be okay.  Because he’s my Sam.”

The creature turns and the light on its face changes.  It looks a little nervous, little bit terrified.

“Yes I understand.”

It’s gone and Dean could say he’d never see its face again except he’s already skipping off to see that face on someone else, humming I’m responsible for Sam I’m responsible for Sam I’m responsible.

It’s fine it’s gonna be okay.


They watch the years go by and everything looks tinted gray.  The woman’s name is Lisa.  She has a phone to her ear and Dean has a pillow to his.

“It’s the craziest thing,” she says in a whisper.  “His devotion to his dead brother.  I can see Sam in every move Dean makes, in the creak of his bones and the spill of words out of his mouth.  Even when he’s asleep.  But he’s this fragile thing and I wish I could protect him and protect them both.  If I could sandwich him between bookends to stop him falling over I would but I… I’ll just let him sleep.”

She finds Sam in her kitchen the next day.

It’s not really him.  But it has his face.

fic, gen, spn

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