help spread the love!

Apr 29, 2007 22:47

One of the best ways to help save energy and lower greenhouse gases is to change your light bulbs to compact fluorescent.

What that means is that if every one of 110 million American households bought just one energy-saving bulb, took it home, and screwed it in the place of an ordinary 60-watt bulb, the energy saved would be enough to power a city of 1.5 million people. In terms of oil not burned, or greenhouse gases not exhausted into the atmosphere, one bulb is equivalent to taking 1.3 million cars off the roads. The single greatest source of greenhouse gases in the United States is power plants--half our electricity comes from coal plants. SO if you switch out just one bulb, considering the number you have in your house, probably not a large percentage, you would be doing a little action that could be making a HUGE impact on saving our resources!

Each bulb might cost a little more than a normal 60 watt bulb, but that's because they last so much longer too! Compact fluorescents, even in heavy use, last 5, 7, 10 years. That means less money spent on bulbs, less time buying and replacing them, AND lower engery bills. Why not?

PLEASE, go to the store and buy just one energy-saving light bulb, and help make earth a better place to live!

Just a helpful environmental tip of the day! I know I'm replacing my one bulb tomorrow!
<3 stephanie lynn
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