Stole this

Nov 10, 2004 19:16

Stole it from my cousin...

x:about you:x:
Name: James
Age: 13
Sign: capicorn

Movie watched:Mission Impossible
Book read: ugh holes in 5th grade
Time you cried: 4 days ago
Time you brushed your hair: today actullay i messed it up after i did it though
Time you felt love: last summer
Word said out loud: summer
Time you were sick: i dont remember
Email you wrote: to greg
Magazine you read: thrasher
Song you heard: No Fate No future- My big new pants
CD you listened to: Monophonic Microgroove: Kick it
Asignment you did: i dont rember
Time you were excited: like a day ago
Time you laughed: like 20 mins. ago
Person you talked to: Justin
Play/concert you saw: havent been to one yet
Person you kissed: Delaney
Person who kissed you: Delaney
Thing you did that you really shouldn't have: told a secret =(

:x:have you ever:x:
Drank: yes
Done drugs: no
Had a sexual experience (doesn't have to be actual sex): no
Cried because of someone of the same sex: no
Cried because of someone of the opposite sex: yes
Kissed someone of the opposite sex: yes
Kissed someone of the same sex: yes
Had a huge crush on someone: yes
Had a boyfriend: no
How about a lover: if you mean sexual lover no

:x:do you:x:
like long surveys: i guess
like surveys at all: sure
like love: yes

:x:are you:x:
A happy person: yes
A nice person: most of the time
Happy with how you look: no

Do you especially like darkness: sometimes
Do you go to school dances: not yet this year
Do you like them: depends on whos there
What do you want to be when you grow up: dont know
Do you have pets: two dogs
Brothers: 1
Sisters: 0
Are you parents together: yes
Do you like someone:....
Do they know:....
Do they like you: ........
Will you love them until your dying day: maybe
Does love lift you up where you belong: yes it does
Would you ever kill someone for love: yeah
If you could kill one person who would it be: Meo cause hes a deushe and deserves to die
Do you like reality tv: depends
Would you buy a cd for just one song: no
Could you be lovers? Is that a fact: what?
Do you know that question 61 62 and 67 are all from moulin rouge: no i didnt even know there are numbers
Do you have a screen name: yes
Is it dumb: pshh no
Do you have friends: not many
Have you ever been in love: yes

book: I dont read?
movie: Napoleon Dynamite
pet: dogs
person: Bernie and Jon
color: red and black
animal: Mice
word: Crazy
saying: tru dat
food: pizza
drink: coke
band: Relient K
song: Reptilla
lyric:"Baby im afraod of alotta things but i aint scared of lovin you."
quote: i dont know at the moment
place to be: anywhere with good people and some girls
thing in the world: inline 1 extreme skatepark

:x:either or:x:
france or england:x:: france(more skate spots)
life or death:x:: life
t.v. or movie:x:: movie
pepsi or coke:x:: they both good
pool or hot tub:x:: hot tub...with a girl
girl or boy:x:: girl
india or switzerland:x:: switzerland
america or canada:x:: america
real life or t.v.:x:: real life

best friend:x:: Bernie tedd kevin keith
nicest:x:: Jess
funniest:x:: Tedd
prettiest:x:: Jess
cutest:x:: Jess
most handsome:x:: ME!
who can make you laugh the most:x:: Kevin
weirdest:x:: Ted
most immature:x:: Me!
ugliest:x:: Keith
fattest:x:: Keith
skinniest:x:: Bernie
the one you could fall in love with:x:: .....
the one you would marry:x:: ...IF only if only...
overall greatest:x:: Keith
the one you have hated in the past:x:: Bernie
farthest away:x:: How do you mean?
most loved:x:: Bernie and Keith
most missed:x:: Jon cause were not as tight anymore

do you like britney spears:x:: she hott
christina aguilara:x:: she hott
what bands do you like:x:: to many
what do you think of punk:x:: the only true punks were in the 70s
emo:x:: why would you want to listen to someone with money complain about probalems everyone has?
hardcore:x:: you can say your hard core but you probably arent or you hate the music and just like the style
avril lavigne:x:: ehh
taking back sunday:x:: Amazing new album isnt the greatest
coheed and cambria:x:: Amzing
ramones:x:: they are one of the creators of punk

:x:what do you think of:x:
black and white marriages: who cares what color you are
gay marraige:x:: even if every straight person was against it gays would be together i support it so tru dat
abortion:x:: no casue if you get pregnat its your responsablity
gays in the military:x:: sure go right ahead
gays in boyscouts:x:: sure go ahead
lesbians:x:what about them
bisexuality:x:: more power to you
george bush:x: John Kerry is liar and George Bush is an Idiot i goi Ralph Nadar..
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