GRR IM STEAMING MAD. lmao. omgosh. omg i was the one that started a fucking conversation with you! ha i talked to like everyone in that class.. .from like mark frederick =) to that weirdass becky chick. heh. it was dandy knowing you. ..cause you got to sit next to cody =p i miss him so much =/ he always sat next to me on the bus! but then everyone would make fun of us and say we like each other =p but we didnt! we were like best fucking friends in the whole fuckign world. HA i just had a thought. WE [me you cody] coulda hada triangle in business! =0. heh.its like 1:46 am and julie aint fucking tired. haha im watching the remake of the numa numa song!! my brother amde it for uhm the morning announcements! theres this one kid thats in it hah he has like a curly afro. hes so funny. then they do the upside down chin shiat and he lip syncs hah. i deff gotta show it to you sometime. ill save it on my ipod ;) ha my brother was teh director whata gangster. omfg i gotta show you the safe driving one too!! theyre such thexy guys skipping outside of school =) heh just kidding. ahah they get pulled over. wow this isa long comment. aw heres the valentine video!! i gotta show you this one too!! heh ok im done.
peace. love. fucking julie.
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