20 Things I'll do before I'm 20.

Oct 17, 2011 01:02

So you know that moment where you get a HORRIFIC- and I do mean HORRIFIC in capital letters- reality check?
Like... when you realize you're only a teenager for another 2 months?
Well. That happened.

So I've decided.
I want to do these 20 things before I'm 20.None of which will mean: finding the right man (ack), falling in love (ack), dating a hot boy (ack), or anything that just seems improbable. I wasn't much a teenager, nor do I think I ever would have been one, but I want to be able to say I did do some usual teen things before I'm no longer a teenager. (And maybe some unusual ones too.) 
  1. Watch all of John Hugh's 80's teen movies in one weekend. (Four movies. Three days? I could do this. Easily.)
  2. Deactivate my Facebook for maybe a good week, and do something really productive. Like, read a good book.
  3. Finish Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy- the whole series!
  4. Talk to people more on Skype-- specifically my Twinnie.
  5. Go to a college party and actually stay for more than five minutes.
  6. Actually grow out my nails?
  7. Eat a whole batch of cookies-- and I do mean WHOLE. ALL 24 cookies.
  8. Create a new playlist that would include all the songs if a movie were made about you. Yes.
  9. Beat my brother at MarioKart.
  10. Get a new phone that actually works.
  11. Create a new tumblr that does not have excessive amounts of Matt Smith pictures and ridiculous things.
  12. Watch Winnie the Pooh- the new one.
  13. A proper all-nighter.
  14. Actually look up what it would take to be a pastafarian.
  15. Walk into Victoria's Secret and not be awkwarded out. (Well. This may be a tad improbable... but not really.)
  16. Register to vote in NY. 
  17. Actually do something picture worthy but stupid. Like go to a store and wear ridiculous outfits and be a gangsta or something.
  18. Buy a denim mini skirt. A proper one.
  19. Do karaoke and make fun of people.
  20. Actually learn how to draw something. Anything. Just something that doesn't look like a stick person.
So, will I be able to do this? Maybe. Possibly. Probably not.
We'll see.
Ah. 20. That is a TERRIFYING number.

panic, ahhhhhhhh!, life, adfasjkldfaklsdfkasldfejkjsa;f, reality checks

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