Well, first of all, just wanted to say that these passed few days have been just freaKiN' crazy for me..
With dealing with thE EX factor (my ex).. I've concluded that she is POISON to my soul and can no longer let her run me over *bravo for me*
Secondly, my 2001 VW JETTA has been giving me trouble.. *UGH*
First, it was losing POWER.. then it began over heating and had to get it towed so I wouldn't jack up my motor.. Tookit to my dealership.. It was taken care of under my warranty but still had to cough up sum $$$$$ for Tax, deductible, new oil dipstick and radiator FLUSH... bout $255.00 there..
Then they noticed that my clutch was going out and estimated a minimum of $1,300.00 to fix..
the VW guy recommended that I take it somewhere else so I took his advice.. I drove away from VW noticing my clutch messin up on me..
*IT feels HORRIBLE not having your car once you're used to it and depend on it so much*
Next morning, (April Fools day), I get an emergency call from work saying for me to come in ASAP..
sooo, i drive away from my driveway to the stop sign and what do you know.. my car just totally stops accelerating.. My car was perfectly on.. my radio blasting "OH" by Ciara.. but I was stuck like chuck.. I prayed for a miricle and then thought about trying my reverse.. and whatdoyaknow.. it worked.. just barely.. I reversed back into my drive way and suddenly stopped accelerating halfway in the drive way.
I was relieved that I didn't jump on the freeway..
anyway. long story short.. I searched and searched for a good mechanic.. found one.. and I still ended up paying $1,354.00..
anyway.. I have my car now.. I put most of my savings in fixing my car but it is now working better than it did when I first bought my biatch (my car) new!
I'm happy about that but there goes my Cancun, San Antonio, Austin and New Orleans; up coming trip money..
I've also been running into ppl I hadn't seen in a looong time which is always great..
annnd a few more things have been happening in my life that is just totally freaking me out but I will talk about that later.. I need time to adjust for now.. I wanna sleep till April 12th.. I believe my nerves will be much better by that date..
There's Mercury Retrograde for yo' @ss & this up coming New Moon Lunar eclipes..
take care have a great day & do well and doubt not!
oh and please visit my new myspace page.. :) *still under construction tho*