Apr 11, 2005 22:08
today i think was the most horribilst day i could ever experience.
everyone was crying,sobbing just so upset.The whole school was in tears all day. I had many tears in my eyes, i just cant imagine this happening to anyone. He was a guy that everyone loved. I just dont understand why these things have to happen to good People. When, the principle made us stand in silence, the whole school ran quiet. It was spooky, like the world just stopped for a second. I look at all the people cared for him and just wanted to hug everyone of them. It feels like now the school has a hole inside of them . Things wont change for a very long time. & i dont expect them too. When i saw everyone cry, and expecially for the people i cared for.. Made me cry. I hate to see everyone hurt. Also the other death that happend, Jesse. I didnt know him at all, but i know alot of people who did. And i feel terrible for all of the people who had to go through that tradgedy. im here for anyone, who needs someone just to cry too, or talk to Im crying, and i know alot of other people are too. This may show alot of people that life is so short. Eventhough you dont like someone, dont hold any grudge cause look what happend. I think now that i see what happend, i am so scared for everybody. It may happen to one of us.. We dont know.. Its destiney. I just wanted to let anyone know if i ever hurt you in anyway or made you feel bad in anyway, IM SORRY. But if something happens like this again, i dont know how im going to cope with it. Im sorry, but i dont know what i would do. What i think, everything happens for a reason. We will think of Jon\Jesse now when we enter a car. Its scary, but just never take life for granted, look how fast it can be taken away.
Rest In Peace.