(no subject)

Jan 21, 2006 01:07

boredom can be terribly exhausting even at the times when your not the least bit tired... as now.

everyone is asleep, and as always, im the last one to fall alseep. not too good. i am severely bored and becoming tired and nautious of doing nothing. but oh well i guess.

anyways.yeah well today was saydi's 15th birthday. which explains why i'm at her house. lets all say happy birthday to my dear saydi. for some odd reason her and crissy decided to go to sleep early :/ eghh.. well i think..and hope saydi had an okay day. i thought it was pretty cool. me crissy, saydi, karla,and some other girl went to go eat dinner at apple bees with saydis parentals. then we went to petland....i touched a bird :] and almost got it to eat out of my hand. i feel accomplished. yess. then it bit me.but its okay. then me and crissy decided to go into some comic book store, in which we soon after learned that people hang out there from 7 in the morning till 11 at night playing those trading cards and stuff like that..crazy ass shitt. i know. well we went in with the intention of finding saydi a gift, but came out empty handed.so like we just ended up going to hastings and we bought two cd's. darkest hour, and everytime i die. well crissy and saydi. i didnt feel like looking for a cd i would actually buy. but yeah...i feel like throwing up. i dont feel good.

yesterday's show was a really big dissapointment. not that i expected much of it. it just sucked. straight out. it was a total waist of my time and money. all together. but its okay i guess. i got to spend time with some friends i hadnt seen in a while. it was nice. that part.

well im hoping ill be able to wake up tomorow morning. dayum..crissy and saydi wake up all hardcore early. woah! i think our plans for tomorow are to go to ropa in the morning. then i have to go home. im supposed to go get a hair cut tomorow. so thats something to look forward to. im not gonna chop off my hair as usual. im thinking of letting my hair grow but like keep it in the same style that i guess i have right now. idk..im not quite decided yet. something like that though. ill see tomorow or something. k well i guess ill go back to entertaining erick now, since hes extremely bored like me. i guess its nice to know im not the only odd ball out there :]

peace foo's
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