May 16, 2007 20:35
200. My Middle Name Is: Elizabeth
199. I was born in: Ann Arbor, MI (well close to)
198. I am: chillaxing
197. My cell phone company is: Alltel
196. My eye color is: blue-ish?
195. My shoe size is: 8-9ish, wide
194. My ring is: none
193. My height is: 5'7"
192. I am allergic to: cantaloupe
190. I live in: MI
189. The last book: Do Law school books count? I read my contracts book cover to cover.
188. My bed is: delightful- how can you not love sleep
187. Are you happy with your life? Sure- for the most part
186. Last person to send you a text message: Sanjum
185. Ever smoked a cigarette: No way
184. AIM or MSN or Yahoo: Nichomes
183. Do you email: Sporadically
182. How is the weather today: Cloudy, a bit chilly
181. Do you have your wisdom teeth: Nope- got them out in 10th grade
180. Ever been to Disney Land: No- but World Many time
179. My favorite holiday is: Thanksgiving
178. The perfect kiss: is with your mom (ok you had to know a your mom-ism was coming)
177. The last three cds I bought: Really- no idea- I’m more of a dvd kind of girl
176. Last song that made you cry: None- I really don’t cry at movies/songs/etc
170. What did you do yesterday? Drove back to the apartment from visiting my family for the weekend, got stuff in line for an externship, watched some Gilmore Girl dvd action and the Pistons lose L
142. Love at first sight?: No
141. Luck? Somewhat
140. Fate? To an extent
139. God? Yes
138. Aliens? Not abductions- but do I think there has to be life somewhere besides earth- sure.
137. Heaven? Yes
136. Hell? Yes
135. Ghosts? No
134. Horoscopes? No- but they’re delightful
133. Soulmates? Not really- it’s too confining
129. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs (with your mom)
127. Phone or Online? Phone
124. Hot or Cold? Cold
123. Summer or winter? Winter
122. Sun or Rain? Either- but if I had to choose rain
121. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate- but if ice cream then vanilla
120. Night or Morning? Night- though I do like getting up in the am early some times
119. Oranges or Apples? Apples
118. Curly or straight hair? Straight
101. Saw someone I hadn't seen in a while: This weekend (my family)
100. Cried in front of someone: Car accident
99. Grew: no idea
90. Who is the ditsiest person you know: Aaron
89. Who makes you laugh the most: I’m going to lump sum it and say “my friends”
87. The last movie you saw: Friends with Money
82. The thing I don't understand: Why life works out the way it does some times
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: Probably some retort from a law school prof
79. The things I plan on doing this summer is: externship with the tribunal and relaxing some/having fun- oh and the law review packet
74. The thing I'm looking forward to most: getting a job that I like/making money
73. The thing I'm not looking forward to doing: driving
72. Today: Is good- tomorrow is better (shopping and the office/scrubs/grey’s)
71. This summer: hopefully will be a good learning summer but relaxing too
70. This week: is almost over
62. The person who knows the most about me: Vinnie - maybe Ollie (aka Shannon’s cats)
61. The person who can read me the best is: My mom?
60. The most difficult thing to do is: Go against my strengths- art
56. My zodiac sign is: Virgo
54. First time you had a crush: kindergarten
50. What is your dream job: Sassy Sidekick in a sitcom
49. First job: Hostess (babysitting too)
46. I hope: that I get an awesome job after law school and all my friends/family life happily ever after J
45. The worst sound in the world: I hate the sound of cardboard boxes.
44. The person that makes me cry the most: hmm no idea
35. Florida or Hawaii: Hawaii cause I’ve never been
33. My favorite piece of clothing: PJ pants
32. My favorite sport is: broomball/basketball
30. My friends are: delightful
29. My computer: is my law school lifeline
28. The school I go to: MSU
22. The all-time best movie is: I don’t know if it’s the best- but it’s the first movie that ‘rocked my world’ was Silence of the Lambs.
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: feeling content
20. Last thing you ate: tacos
19. The most annoying thing ever is: backstabbers
18. The most annoying person you know is: People who ask irrelevant questions in class when other questions are more appropriate
17. I lose all respect for people that: people who have opinions but don’t know why they believe what they do
16. The movies I have cried over: None
15. Last phone call: Katie
14. TV shows you watch: Currently- The Office, 30 Rock, Scrubs, Grey’s Anatomy, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Amazing Race, Survivor, L&O SVU, West Wing, Sports Night , Arrested Development (well the last 3 on dvd)
13. Last friend you hung out with: Shannon right now
12. I want to be: content
11. The worst pain I was ever in: Hmm cannot remember at the moment (which is odd)
10. My favorite phrase: that’s what she said
9. My room is: Excellent
8. My favorite celebrity is: too many but I love Felicity Huffman and Tina Fey currently
6. My favorite color is: blue or grey
5. My weakness is: food/others
3. Who broke your heart: your mom
2. One thing that makes you feel great is: see above (in bed)
1. Love and the potential of being hurt OR never loved but never hurt?: I’d go getting hurt.
P.S. Why are there numbers missing?