Time out time.

Dec 23, 2009 10:39

First of all, Karma is a bitch my friend. :] Maybe you should stop screwing your friends over.

I found a extra 100.00 in my bank :]] tattoo for new years. excited.
Vince has been back, he gets anything he wants, had to take care of him and his druged up self over the weekend with Keisha. So glad she was there, had to take him to the ER. Cutt in lip + Meth = HUGE FACE. just saying. Entertained his friend, felt so bad for him, or any of Vince's friends he brings over. Cleaned up the blood covered bathroom. (methhead thinks cutting open face will deSwell it) WRONG.
*shakes head*

Not gettting my xmas present.. . yet or... ever? i dont know. I know Vince gets all he wants, new TV's and shit. I get the shit i bought myself. :/ surprise surprise. At least i bought myself Left For Dead 2. and Skate 2. and some sweet comic sleep pants.

SO FUCKING STOKED for New Years. Going Clubbing to R Place (gay 4 story club) which in reality is very dangerous for drunk drag queens in spiked heels but whatever. hahaha. I got this pin striped Vest, and new black pants, and a V neck tshirt that matches Keisha's dress. I love dating someone who acually DOES fun things with me, who likes to show me around and off. Im finally not a object. a Sex object. i learned that last weekend.. and i cried. im acually more then whats in bed... finally.
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