LJ Layouts - I like
this moody one (sunshine & shadows), I have HORRIBLE plans for this
hyper-pink one, this
SIN version is pretty striking.
Adam Liptak's 'The American Exception' - a series of articles on the comparison of US law to other legal systems. I liked the article on
tainted evidence. In English evidence law, this doctrine is quaintly called "the fruit of the poisoned vine".
The NY times has locked this article for subscribers only, but here's a free still-open version of
"In U.S., Partisan Expert Witnesses Frustrate Many". I think the views in
this post on the use of expert witnesses are decidedly skewed (or perhaps it is an accurate representation of How Things Are Done In America), but still fascinating. I liked a comment that said, "One side presents its liars, then the other side presents its liars."
fascinating series of posts on defamation and libel.
This 'French Connection Libel' article reminds me that I attended the Polanski case, and it was immensely fascinating.