Apr 07, 2009 00:49
The weekend spent in Irvine was epic as usual. My car died on the freeway, and a lot of little things went wrong, however the overall experience was amazing.
Sasha gains approval as my new concert buddy.
On Stanford campus today was the last day of a week-long rush for the sorority bound girls. They just found out like 5 minutes ago, and now there are multiple crying girls in the bathroom, which is right next to my room. Crying is an understatement, frankly they are sobbing and heaving for air. I guess I never understood how life and the vaue of it could be judged on getting into a sorority. Most of the time I see it as pathetic, but the way these girls is reacting evokes sympathy on my part. Have you seriously over-looked everything that you have and come to value your life in such a materialistic way that denial from a sisterhood will shatter you? What the hell has this world done to you? What did you parents teach you? Why can't you find a why out? I guess to offer to be a helping hand would be useless. Most of the people at Stanford that lived a high class miserable life-style growing up, continue the cycle. I never realized the extent of it until I came here. It is one of the most shallow atmospheres I have ever lived in close quaters to.
Granted, I am making a difference. This year has taught me so much patience and empathy of a different sort. I am compromising visually. If I infiltrate the system from the inside maybe I can make a difference. I am trying so hard to be happy here. It is a constant effort, because I am around so much draining baseness of character, but it is working. I continually meet amazing people, they aren't as numerous as the others, but they are here and having the same struggles as me. I do not feel alone. I am more confident in my personal character than I have ever been. I hope that I show my friends that I care about them often and hope they know that I do.
And yes, although all the way across the country.. you are still my best friend. ;)