weekend review!!!

Apr 18, 2005 16:38

friday staying home all by myself because Kate and Sam went to TBS and JEW. Saturday SEEING ALEX FOR THE FIRST TIME IN TWO WEEKS WAS THE BEST PART!! umm going to a canceled show of Matt's is always fun! then going to south street with Nicole Kate Sam Matt Jackie and Danielle eating at Johnny Rockets figureing out a plan to get to the hopping part while walking to the car, figuring out he plan and totally pulling it off by going to jackies. Getting droped off at Jackies only to find out that later that night we will be sleeping at an evil petting zoo. Jackies driving us to the party in her shit mobile and almost hitting a cat (everyone screamed but me cause i didnt see it). Arriving at the party only to wait on the corner for like 20 mins waiting for Kate cause she had to make a pit stop..hahah. Finally getting to the party where we were surrounded by crazy drunken people like Sean who had his ass out the whole time hahahahahah sick! Having a blast by watching all the crazy drunken people and having Alex put that nasty shit down my throat thankyou very much and also telling them that they hit Jackie in the face with a tire hahaha. Walking back to Jackies car and watching her drive Sean on her hood for a little bit was much entertainment. Having my foot ran over by Jackies car is always fun too. Finding out that later all that driving of Sean on the hood wasn't such a good idea because her car stalled. Calling Walton to come and rescue our asses THANK YOU WALTON YOU ARE MY SAVIOR!! making fun of Jamie and Sam while waiting for Walton to arrive. Walton driving us to Path Mark to get food to feed the evil petting zoo. Getting to Jackies house and watching the worst movie ever OPEN WATER dont ever see it. Not getting to sleep until like 3 because of all the dangers surrounding us as we try to sleep like Cleo and evil shitting bunnies hahaha "HE SHAT ON MY BLANKET!!". Jackies brother coming home and thinking we were drunk because we told him that Sam threw the bunny in Jackies moms room which she did Nice going Sam. Waking up early and going home to find out my mom knows everything, o well she doesnt care i dont think. Going to Matt's show that wasnt canceled and eating bubbles is fun!!! Then not having school the next day was the bet part. Well thats about it.

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