1st-STUDY in 1003
2nd- English new teacher 1015
3rd-Spanish w/ Erazo
4th-Study in 1003
5th- MAth with Grant (long story i didnt fail this yr i just moved up a level)
6th-History Mrs. Fri
7- Chem with Stamm
yah, i have no doube chem how weird is that??? i think im going to get into delcolle's 5th period chem class!! i was in level 1 bio and now im in level 2 bio and i want to be in 1 ahh hate this schedue and i have no friends so far in any of my classes!
summer is going by oh so swell! It has been fun I have been at BSDC, watched movies, and hung out with some friends, not to mention working at STAR MARKET!! IT hasn't been too bad!! I wish the weather was a bit nicer so I could swim some more, but we'll see!!! Brooks has been fun. I had the 4 year olds last week. They were alot of work but fun. They all thought i was fluent in spanish because I could say hola and gracias! It was funny they believe everything I say! It's funny! aNd I had this nudist girl in my group those people are the best, they are way too funny. I have been working in the courtesy booth at Star which has been the best. I love it so much becuase i dont work and i just fool around and play scartch tickets! Yesterday I won $100! I was stoaked!!
KC and Molly are my best friends <3 Love those girls!! It's so much hanging out with them and they're the coolest people you will meet! Hanging out with them last saturday was a blast along with Kayla and Michelle at the Jimmy Buffet Style Party. I loved having study with Molly and how all we did was talk about Chinese food and how she would talk about jonathon like she was banging him! Math Class was so much fun with KC we didnt give a shit the whole year. It was the best until she decided not to go back the last month! We did have a lot of fun though! Those girls are the two of the coolest people you meet. And I like that KC works at CVS like when ever i am working at CVS so all i have to do is walk in the there on break and say hello!
So I have this problem. I
make up nicknames for everyone. Almost everyone I know has some kind of nickname. I dont always tell people though. Its weird. Very odd. Some of my favorites are Chels ma BLous(chelsea lockwood) The GOFF (ashleigh goff) the willis (steph willis) KCONN (Kelly 'oconnel) I dont know there is alot! I really have pretty much have nicknames for like everyone. It's honestly weird but i dont care ha!
Habitat is fastly approaching! I can't wait. Going with Kaileigh McGuire! Erica just came back and said it was mucho fun!! That camp is almost over. Which I guess I dont mind because now i can start waking up later and going for runs and just chill! Camp isnt too bad but I hate waking up early and then leaving late in th aftenoon then working again at star from 6-9 it's crazy!! Speaking of star cant wait to trash caitlins house! muahaha going to destroy it when i am over there partying! hahaha hahaha muahahha
War of the Worlds is definitley a good movie. Saw it the other night and would see it a good. I thoughtit was good even if tom cruise is cruisazy! haha they have a
t-shirt that says that now. though i did fall asleep for like a fewminutes but thats because i saw the movie at like 10! and i was tired from camp go see it good movie
I really need to contact ashleigh serrano and find out when we can play tennis its going to be her and cassie bowe vs. me and demi! muahaha ben's team will dominate. we are making a bet on it too! She's never played tennis and she thinks she will win! mhmmm okay! girl is crazy! I would win with the eyes closed!!! What ever now i am just going on and on!
peace out! leave a nice comment!