i absolutely loathe studying for exams. studying last night was fine, because i did a lot of legal and made all kinds of good organized lists and stuff which helped. but i take such crap notes in english apparently cuz re-reading them now, i made NO sense at all. and sitting in my bed in pajamas under covers with books makes me so sleepy. i fell asleep already tonight [and last night for a while, too] and i even have all kinds of caffeine in me. bah! and spanish is going to be nuts tomorrow.. there's going to be all kinds of stuff from the AP exam on it and we haven't even begun all of that really. she's putting the DBQ on it [yes, IN SPANISH, about spanish history or politics or culture of some kind] and we haven't even done a practice one. so i'm le screwed.
and it's all snowy and nice and i want to take pictures. and of course it didn't stop snowing all day while i was taking two exams, so i couldn't stop looking out the window at the prettyness and thinking about how it is beautiful out there and it is boring and stupid inside, sitting at a desk, taking tests. haha i was not made to sit behind desks all day long.
h'ooookay, end of rant. i don't usually do this whole big paragraph thing. weird.
but i was bored of studying and would like it to end and needed a break.
for your troubles, if you read this: