Mar 15, 2005 22:30
I was originally going to make an update about all of the hilarious stuff I found while cleaning my room.... but then I found this... The things I want to say seem so clear inside Words alone can not explain, but I will pour my heart out anyway I'll do my best to let you know exactly what I mean and now, this is what I want to say... You've made an impact on all who you have met you mean more to us all than my words could ever convey you have always supported and been here for me for those reasons I want to say thank you today. You have been a strict influence when you needed to be to your family, friends, and even those you didn't know you were always helpful for these things I have to say that I am grateful. When I felt like things were to hard you were there when I came to you for help you knew exactly what to do When I fell, I could count on you to make it better, so now I must say that I truly respect you. Out of all I have said there is one message I have to make clear One message I never want forgotten, one that is most sincere. I love your, for all that you are, I love you because of all that you do, and although you are not here right now I know you can hear me, so I want to say that I will always share my heart with you. I know I said to hell with the emo-girl whinny updates... But I found this, and I couldn't help but cry. I miss her so much. Ugh. Now, in an attempt to stop myself from feeling depressed... here is the entry I was expecting to write. ____________________________________________________________________________(Another line to seperate whinny emo from other issues at hand) So, I cleaned my room, and came across some things that made me laugh histarically. Item # 1 My 8th grade graduation speech. How that panel of teachers picked ME to read THAT speech I can't understand. It is the most fake bull-shit ever. May I quote "Jill Mc(something or other) once said always reach for the moon because even if you miss you will land among the stars. So tonight, I want to dare you all to dream, never to give up, and be all that you can." What-the-fuck? Item #2 My poetry project from 7th grade, that I received an A++ on. What was the teacher smoking while grading this piece of shit I called poetry? First off it was on fairy tales, enough said. THEN none of it made any kind of sense what so ever. I give to you a passage from the poem cleverly titled "Cinderella" "There once was a beautiful girl Her father was nice but then he died. Sometimes she sang and twirled most of the time though, she cried." What the hell king of sense does that make? Her father died, and she twirlled sometimes, ya know? Again, cleverly titled "Aladin and the Magic Carpet" Aladdin takes a magic carpet ride (hence the title, brilliant huh?) He fly's around outside (Yes, fly's as in the outside belonging to the fly.) Carpet assists Aladdin Whenever needed Carpet is a form of transportations carpet is also a house decoration! (I was witty as hell was I not?!?!) As much as I would like to say this poetry was from oh say, first grade, I cannot. Item # 3 My eighth grade children's story. I will only qoute you the title "Best friends from a to z." It is sheer literary genius, you should read it sometime because it is AMAZING. I would read it if I were a super genius 5 year old. Seeing as the plot line is targeted for 5 year olds, but the lenghth and wording clearly are not. "Q is for quantum physics!!" said Alana. "Now! hold hands while you cross the street!". You would think that this six year old can cross the street alone if she knows about quantum physics, but apparently not. Item # 4 Warming sensation condom from warped tour. I didn't even know I still had that. I was amazed. Item # 5 "Pink Missundaztood" CD. Is it just me, or does pink have a spelling problem? Item # 6 "A dummys guide to parenthood" book. I can't even elaborate on the stupidity of this. It is just.... no. Had I only used that book on my project, I would have failed no doubt. I would go on, because there is more, but this entry is already to lengthy. Again, to those of you who read this far...thank you. And, for the secret that comes along with reading my whole entry...
I <3 J-Rizzle.
Haha, for most of you, that secret is old, but HEY! I tried damn it.
Your best and only friend,
Stephannie N. Burnley