1) Not that there's probably anyone reading this who doesn't already have an Imzy invite who wants one, but as I've just created a personal blog account there I've been given yet another 200 invites so I overfloweth with them. If anyone wants to follow the account there it's at
My immediate plans are to make single item posts there because having to change HTML to Markup is a pain and also given the environment it seems more likely different people will be interested in looking at different posts. So I think it will make conversation easier given the less threaded options if the posts are single topic.
All of which is to say, I will likely be posting less content there. We'll see how it goes.
Also, if you have a personal account there and would like me to follow it, let me know.
2) Classic Recs is coming to
buffyversetop5! Lots of possibilities for posts so hopefully I'll see some of you there.
3) Thanks to cathexys I came across several videos I hadn't seen yet.
I found
I'm Your Man by Charmax to be charming. I think it speaks for itself but just to say I enjoyed it and also its long history.
I'm no Superman by Draconchic is a very cute video of LEGO Batman and Superman (and a reminder that it's one of two unfinished games I've had sitting around for a few years...)
I really enjoyed the ending of
Wait for It by Rhaegal. This seems particularly poignant to me now that both Leonard Nimoy and Anton Yelchin are no more, which is why I so enjoyed the ending. As something I reblogged over at Tumblr today noted,
fans are the great fixers.
I'm a sucker for fandom meta videos so I particularly enjoyed
Anything for Love. I like the way it encapsulates fandom friendships in the way that new fandom loves get bounced around, and also how barriers about what you like and what you do get broken. It also shows why fandom is always creating new practices and colonizing new places.
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