One of the most fascinating things I found about Brock's appearance was what a stark contrast it was to the improv theater going on during Jared, Jensen and Misha's appearance on stage prior to it. Aside from being utterly hilarious to watch, I found it absolutely fascinating how each of those three has clearly developed their own strategies to deal with audience nuttiness, which relates to both their own position with their audience as well as their particular personalities.
At the same time, Matt and Brock are relative newbies to the SPN fandom and neither has that same level of distance with the audience. But the differences in their personalities also creates a distinct difference. Matt is earnest and friendly and enthusiastic. Brock, I felt so sorry for him.
He seemed perfectly nice but he had the bad luck of having a terrible slot at the con (next time they should put Matt in it if he's there, or an old pro like Richard or Mark). The buzz of the con highlight was wearing down after an hour plus of autograph lines and waiting, Jared was still signing autographs so there was a line down one wall of people waiting, and one of the con organizers even mentioned that the hotel's late 4 PM checkout was going on so a lot of people had either already left, or were busy checking out. Some people were hanging around primarily because they still had Jared and Misha photo ops to do or were already downstairs doing those.
In short, what people were still there were often distracted, so there were maybe 100 people paying attention to the Q&A. What's more, Brock seems rather shy. I was struck by how much he reminded me of early JA in terms of his behavior with people (as well as, perhaps, the way he fell into acting), and I wondered if this was part of what got him the role of Dean. But if it's true that this is his first U.S. con (and perhaps only his third or fourth con in general) it was really lousy placement to put him in this slot because he does not have the people skills - yet - to deal with this sort of situation. What's worse, coming at the tail end of the con there were several in-jokes and references to earlier events going on which he had no context for at all. And lastly, the mic problems which had occurred earlier in the day left him asking the first 6 or 7 people who asked questions to keep repeating them. So yeah, Mike and I both came away just feeling really bad for him.
Usual disclaimers: Paraphrasing except for some exact quotes.
What's going on?
Q: What other roles have you played in shows besides SPN?
A: I usually play jock guys. I played this pill-addicted player. I played a surfer one time, a lover, usually a lover.
Q: What has been your most challenging role so far in your career?
A: Probably Dean, probably it was because everything else was kind of me, but with Dean I had to study a little bit.
Q: What did you do to get ready for the role, did you get with Jensen or watch the show?
A: They gave me the Christmas Special episode, and I watched the first two episodes of S1. Then I met Jensen, we hung out for a little bit. I threw on the jacket and necklace and that was it.
Q: If you could have any role of any movie or TV show, what would it be?
A: Jack Nicholson in the Shining.
A: Do you like Pokemon?
A: I love Pokemon. (Says she loves him) I love you too.
Q: What color is your natural eye color?
A: Hazel.
Q: What's his favorite beer - St. Pauli's?
St. Pauli's my favorite beer? (Because your boy was carrying it?) I think that was the first St. Pauli's I'd had.
Q: Do you know who the Goonies are? We were heckling you the other night.
A: I remember, but I'd just gotten off the plane and didn't realize what was going on.
Q: Send me some love baby (He blows a kiss.)
Q: What was it like to work with the young Sam?
A: Like pulling teeth. Just kidding, Colin's great, he needs to be here, right?
Q: You played Dean really well, you're very handsome, did you know that?
A: I've been told a few times.
Q: What is your craziest fan encounter?
A: I don't know, I haven't had one yet. I'm still new to all these fans.
Q: What was the SPN family like?
A: Very laid back, made it really easy to step into it and work. I was really nervous. It was the biggest thing I had done at that point and they were all very welcoming.
Q: Do you do a lot of modeling and do you like it better than acting? (Something else I didn't catch)/
A: Onyx, no acting. I feel weird posing. You get to move, meet people.
Q: You are way more fit and cut than I ever thought.
A: I haven't even taken my shirt off yet.
Q: Who are your favorite actors?
A: Nicholson. Jensen's like a younger version of Jack. Jensen is an awesome actor.
Q: You have a fan following now, or will soon inspire a lot of people, and does it affect your acting?
A: (Is having a lot of trouble hearing questions) It makes me feel very blessed, I feel thankful I have this, besides family and friends it's cool to have people write me and send me stuff. Maybe my personal life, try to be a good person, because people are looking up to me, kids or not.
Q: If you could, would you work on SPN again?
A: It was really humbling because those guys are on point, it's scary how good they are. I was just talking to some people, if they have a scene where they have me and Jensen meet, that would be great.
Q: Who did you connect with the most on SPN and why?
A: There's 3 people, Colin because we spent so much time together. Even when we were back in LA we went to the batting cages and stuff (lots of "Awwww"s). We also played XBox, will that score more points? One of the PA guys took me around Vancouver and I played poker with him, and, the director of photography, I can't remember his name, he's foreign. (I couldn't believe no one could seem to tell him for a good minute that it was Serge. While he was trying to remember Serge's name, screams went up because Jared had finished his autographs and was being led out to go to his photo ops. He yelled "You all be nice to him!")
Q: Did J2 ever prank you?
A: We didn't spend enough time together to break down that practical joke area, but it was all business because I got there the day before I was to shoot.
Q: What is your favorite Xbox game, since you own one.
A: Well it was Colin's Xbox, but we played Call of Duty?
Q: It was his Xbox?
A: Colin is cooler than me, but I have a PS3.
Q: You wore Dean's outfit, if you had to wear one person's outfit the rest of your life whose would it be?
A: Dean's.
Q: More for the character of Dean, when you were shooting you were playing against Colin who was like this (indicates height). How do you think Dean accepted that Sam got so tall?
A: I think he was a little pissed off about that? He just shows up and one day he's taller? There should be an episode about that.
Q: You were also in Days of Our Lives and now on SPN. Are you following on Jensen Ackles' coattails?
A: I hope.
Q: Favorite movie?
A: Fight Club.
Q: But Jack Nicholson's not in that one.
A: No, but there's a lot of fighting.
Q: We saw you in some of the Viva Laughlin episodes that never aired and we wanted to find out what songs you had to sing and would you sing them now?
A: I didn't have any songs, I was a bookie. So I didn't sing.
Q: What is it like to be a Pokemon trailer and own your own gym?
A: Grueling at times, you want to throw in the towel?
Q: What's next for you?
A: No Ordinary Family right now, I shot a small part and I'm recurring but I've only done the one episode so far.
Q: Have you always wanted to go into acting?
A: I wanted to be a quarterback for the New Orleans Saints when I was growing up, but I'm not that big or good. I wasn't good in High School so I didn't make it. I wanted to be an actor, I moved out to California in between my junior and senior years of high school. I was tired of the boarding school I was in, and I sold my car and went to California. And I knew I wanted to live there. Later I went back and I finished school and went back out and met this acting coach and he said to come to classes. It's a stage.
Q: If you could be in any movie, what would it be and why?
A: Fight Club, it's my favorite movie, blow stuff up.
Q: What's with all the Pokemon references?
A: My name's Brock. There's one on Pokemon.
Q: You do not look 25 at all. You look younger, that's good. What TV show would you pick to be on and why? And you seem to like action movies but would you consider doing comedy?
A: I would like to do comedy. Shows I'd like to be on, Boardwalk Empire or Spartacus.
Q: What's your favorite PS3 game?
A: God of War.
Q: Little Big Planet!
A: I don't know what that is.
Q: It's a huge multiplayer game, and you go through levels collecting clothing and other stuff to rescue (something).
A: I like Madding and Dark Void.
Q: How is it working with Candace?
A: Great, real cool. We had fun.
Q: You had to spend a lot of time in that room with her.
Q: You have one iconic line in the show.
A: I'm a hero?
Q: Who came up with it? Did they tell you to say it that way?
A: Don't really know where I'm coming from, but sure.
Q: If you had to be eaten by a shark - (cuts off and runs back to his seat as audience boos. Brock is very confused and the con organizer has to explain to him that he doesn't want to know, which really wasn't all that helpful).
Q: Is it time to take your shirt off yet? (Couldn't hear his answer. He was pretty quiet spoken the entire time).
Q: Dean has the Impala, if you could pick a vehicle that embodies you, what would it be?
A: Something classic for sure, the Camero SS 69. Black.
Q: Take your drink first.
A: (Sips soda) Thanks, my mouth was really dry.
Q: How exactly did you get into acting?
A: This coach just offered me free classes and I liked it a lot. But Fight Club really inspired me, I wanted to do project Mayhem (something about) Brad Pitt.
Q: Do you follow SPN now?
A: I do. I'm on S5 so please don't spoil me.
Q: What's your favorite episode?
A: I really like The End, I just saw that one. I also like, there's so many good ones, this is a great show so that's a hard one.
Q: Would you be Pitt or Norton?
A: Ed Norton, it's a cool role.
Q: Have you read the book of Fight Club? Was there something in it you really remember?
A: I read it on a plane one time. It's been a while since I read it.
Q: What was your favorite show when you were growing up?
A: Sesame Street, Saved By the Bell.
Q: What keeps you grounded?
A: Family.
Q: What did your parents think of you getting into acting?
A: They thought I was stupid and crazy and a few other things that are not good to say in front of kids. But now they're cool with it.
Q: Want to have a Pokemon battle (Editorial: there were no other people with questions so a couple of people came back to the mics over and over again to keep things going.)
A: Bring on your best shot (various back and forth about the Pokemon game, something about level 49).
Q: Do you think you would have shouted down a corridor, I'm a hero?
A: I think about that sometimes. I think he was really pissed off and his emotions were getting the best of him because he's in front of a bunch of people he didn't know.
Q: Classic rock is an important part of SPN. Do you like it?
A: Love classic rock. I like a lot of music but Tom Petty, love him.
Q: Mr. Kelly, have you grown to resent Pokemon?
A: Maybe I could just do a Pokemon con.
Q: Pokecon?
A: Brockcon.
Q: What are the nuances about Dean that you had to try to bring into this beloved character?
A: His walk, his cockiness for sure, his little smirks, certain looks that he gives, a little sarcastic sometimes.
Q: Is there's anything you'd still like to do in life, career-wise, personality-wise?
A: So many things, want to go to college one day -
Q: What would you major in?
A: Anything, just for girls.
Q: There are plenty of girls here.
A: This is a one-day thing, that's a 4 year thing. I'd like to own a professional sports team, see more of the world. I'm only 25.
Q: What are you drinking?
A: Coke. Jack.
Q: Where’s your favorite place to be?
A: The Caribbean. I went to Honduras, Jamaica, Virgin Islands, I like pretty much anywhere in the Caribbean. I haven't been across the pond. I'll be going next year.
Q: Are you single?
A: I'm single, yes.
Q: Are you on Twitter, can we follow you?
A: I'm not on Twitter.
Q: (Didn't catch the question or discussion of Twitter).
A: I'm not going to comment I don't want to make enemies
Q: If you could be anyone else on the show, who and why?
A: I don't know, I really like playing Dean. Maybe, Lucifer but he wasn't really Lucifer when he was younger, I'd just be playing some guy.
Q: What else would you have liked to do besides acting and football?
A: Own a restaurant.
Q: What kind?
A: Creole-Italian.
Q: Do you like the new Pokemon they've added, like 1000 and something characters. Who's your favorite?
A: I love it. I don't know.
Q: What's your favorites of the new ones? (Goes into discussion where it appears "New ones" is a lot more recent than Brock was aware of).
Q: Do you have any favorite stories about acting? Anecdotes?
A: Do you all know who Peter Dante is? He was in Waterboy. We shot a movie in Costa Rica, in two weeks, which is why it turned out the way it did. We just popped around, learning Spanish, just me and him shooting pool, and drinking a little bit, getting in trouble,
Q: What kind of trouble?
A: Not legal trouble, thank God, we almost got in a fight one time.
Q: Are you a fan of Machete.
A: I liked it.
Q: I have to recommend the Dominican Republic. Did you pick up any Spanish?
A: Te quiero mucho. My dad's actually from Spain so I know a little bit.
Q: What made you decide to pack up and go to LA?
A: I'm not right in the head.
Q: You haven't played Pokemon in how long?
A: Ten years.
Q: Is there anything you do to get into the mindset of a character, like listen to music?
A: If it's a really aggressive type of scene I listen to a lot of rap, and if it's like a love scene I usually listen to some Taylor Swift. No! Classic Rock or something like that.
Q: Have you thought of doing any stage work?
A: I've thought about it but haven't had the opportunity.
Q: The show deals with a lot of mythology. Was that an interest of yours growing up?
A: Definitely. I'm from New Orleans, it's one of the most haunted cities in America. In high school there was a class of voodoo, mysticism. I watched Buffy.
Q: Did you start watching the show to get a feel for it?
A: Just three episodes, and now I'm up to S5 episode 8.
Q: Since you're from New Orleans, what supernatural experiences have you had?
A: My dad thought I was on drugs, he moved into a new house after Katrina. I was staying in his guest room in a neighborhood that was a battle camp or prison during the Civil War. I was reading this book and threw it against the wall when I was about to fall asleep. Later I woke up and I was being pushed down the bed, and the book was floating in the air, turning. I passed out.
Q: Do you think you were dreaming?
A: No, I woke three different times. I was being pulled off the bed by my foot. It was a very intense experience and the third time I was lifted off the bed by my shoulders and two figures were there -- a tall skinny guy and short guy and they went through the wall laughing. My shoulder was sore when I woke up.
Q: Do you ever listen to classical music or instrumentals?
A: I listen to radio station that is 89 something when I'm driving because traffic makes me nuts. If I listen to other music it just intensifies the situation, I want to kill people. I don't know who they are (musicians or songs), I listen to violinists and pianists.
Q: What monster would you like to be?
A: The Trickster.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: Play Pokemon. I like to work out, go to concerts, see movies, normal stuff. (Time is up and Brock follows the ritual of signing the stage banners).
One last thing about the con that I meant to talk about after the Breakfast session but forgot. Mike was getting a photo taken with Jensen and Jared as his niece is a big Jensen fan. So we had a sign doing a shoutout to her but he wasn't allowed to take it in. He said Jensen was talking to the ticket taker when he came in, so he shook Jared's hand (or, as he put it, he shook the moose's hoof). He only got to say hello to Jensen a moment before they snapped the pic and then he was out of there, so it was just all very fast.
I was bummed about the sign issue, but could feel better about not having been able to pull together moose antlers and an aviator cap and goggles in time for the shoot. We would have been able to enjoy that for ages. If anyone already thought of doing a Rocky and Bullwinkle themed photo, by all means point me to it.
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