Our baby mourning doves have been growing by leaps and bounds. Witness the following:
Babies on July 12
Babies on July 13
Pongo halting in the process of feeding the babies. We noticed their throats do an odd rippling thing and then the babies each put their beaks at opposite sides of the parent's beak and the rippling continues.
Babies on July 15
Babies on July 16
Mike was out watering the plants yesterday and apparently neither parent wanted to return to the nest until he left (though if Missus is on the nest when he goes out, she stays put). He caught this shot when one returned.
There are more frequent absences at the nest now by the parents, though we still see them coming and going. Also, we noticed yesterday that the babies are flapping their wings. It's not going to be more than another 5 days before they head off.
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