
Jan 02, 2007 21:27

Just posting to share with you guys a small fic that I thought up off the top of my head in about 0.5 seconds. Harry/Ginny. 100 word count. Tried to challenge myself. Hope you like.

Don’t Hurt Me

She shivers in the moonlight, waiting for him.

She’s always waited.

He appears from behind the beech tree. They stare at each other. If only for a moment.

He approaches her slowly. She doesn’t move. Doesn’t dare breathe.

He stands not a breath away. Looking into her eyes. Drowning in her gaze. Not knowing that she’s doing the same thing.

“You’re leaving.”



“When will you come back?”


“Where will you go?”


Pause. More shivering. Shuffling feet.

“If you get hurt, I’ll get hurt.”

“I can’t promise-“



“Don’t hurt me. Please.”
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