say again, my love, the words that crush me..

May 18, 2004 21:50

Dear mother effin diary;

im so sick of trying to be perfect to make myself happy and someone else notice's clear it's never worked and never will.. it's hard enough being just plain old imperfect me in the first place..there's always something/someone standing in the way of everything and anything i want.. i hate it soooo much..but see, there's nothing i can do about it.. im gonna have to let it go..ill let everything go.. -sigh-

i just wish so much that it didnt always turn out like this.. i wish so much that person was nonexisting... at least in my eyes.. i wish i could be satisfied with what i have and stop wanting what i cant.. and sometimes i wish i just wasn't me.. but then again.. im glad i am..

wow.. i sound like a actually care.. and look.. it's a tear.. holy crap [holy trees...heh jill] that's not coming from me is it? hell no.. not me.. not at all.. not me.. nope..

forget him..forget her.. forget them.. get a life.. get a grip.. get some help..   or maybe even get lost. it doesn't matter anyway..

this is the last im gonna say on this subject. this is the last time im gonna think about it. this is the last time it will hurt me. this is the last time ill let it. wow.. ten effin months.. psh.. what a joke.. say again, my love, the words that crush me..
it doesn't hurt anymore..

-br00kiE might hold your breath until your breathing stops forever
The only thing you'll get is this curse on your lips: I hope they taste of me forever..

With every breath I wish your body would be broken again <3
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