I need to write more

May 26, 2010 17:20

So. Maybe if I make this post I will be more motivated to work. This is a list of my WIPs and a little description of them. idk, I just need to see this in a concrete place. I'm just putting down the working titles, so beware: they suck.

arithmomania: The one where Dean has a pretty severe number/counting compulsion, and they encounter a case that ~bonds their minds together for the time being. Sam/Dean

adam: The one that is shamelessly Dean/Sam/Adam PWP.

circus au 2: The first story in my circus AU that deals with how Sam and Dean came to be a part of the circus. It starts at the beginning and works its way up until Sam leaves for Stanford. Sam/Dean

jb: My Supernatural/Jonas Brothers crossover. :facepalm: Where Dean and Nick meet up and sort of befriend each other, where there is a haunting on the Jonas set, where the apocalypse happens, where Joe and Nick eventually become hunters. Will be Sam/Dean but not Joick.

seduction: The one where Cas wants to be BFFs with Sam, but Sam isn't getting it and Dean thinks Cas wants in Sam's pants.

5.22: The coda that I have one paragraph of and want to see happen, but I'm too lazy to actually do. Where Cas comes back from heaven for a little bit and is a good friend.

amelia novak: Where Jimmy's wife is protected by an angel and she is curious about Castiel, so she stalks him once.

barnes and damien: Where Sam and Dean recruit the two guys from "The Real Ghostbusters" to help with the apocalypse, mostly just keeping an eye on the world. Basically my self-indulgent fantasy of those two finding out that Sam and Dean are Sam and Dean.

body swap: Pre-series where Dean is the older brother who is quiet and calm and studious and loyal and Sam is the younger douchebag brother who sleeps around and hustles pool and drinks too much and is kind of immature and wishes dad would take him on hunts more often. Sam gets fed up with being treated like a kid (he just wants some respect!) and applies and goes to Stanford for mechanical engineering. A year in, he and Dean accidentally get body swapped and can't figure out how to reverse it, but they actually prefer their new roles in life. Sam gets his father's respect and can be a hunter like he always wanted, and Dean can get out of the life. Cue the Pilot, with Sam and Dean being the characters we know them as.

diner lord: In the end, Sam and Dean don't need the amulet to find God. A piece about God being everywhere and everything and neither good nor evil, but just a presence.

eye contact: Dean like making eye contact with people, and Sam hates it.

st johns: My goodbye piece to Portland, Oregon, taking on the case of a ghost that haunts the St Johns bridge near where I live. Sam/Dean

sports au: Where Sam and Dean grow up to be either professional soccer or American football players. Sam/Dean.

golem: Where Sam rescues Dean from hell by making a golem and summoning his soul into the body. Very steeped in Jewish mysticism.

Harry Potter I don't write in HP anymore, but I still really love these fic ideas, so I might try to finish them at some point…

Dumbledore-y: AU of book 6. Where Harry barely survives the last battle and he and Dumbledore are sick of the world so they run away and become BFFs and live in a cabin by the ocean and play lots of pranks on each other and are adorable.

Hippie Harry: You know those HP fics where Harry comes back from the hols all goth or punk-ed out? Well, this one illustrates his fall into hippie-dom. He makes a friend who converts him into getting dreadlocks and becoming pro-green and pro-planet and free love and zen.

SO. If any of these particularly strikes somebody's interest and wants to be a soundingboard/cheerleader/taskmaster, I'm all for that. :headdesk: Too many stories! Roar.

spn, harry potter, i should write more & complain less, fic

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