May 13, 2010 00:52
Ugh I just, spur-of-the-moment, took my college's math entry exam. Half an hour before I had been planning to go to bed.
So the test (well, there were two of them) took an hour and a half total. I did okay, 25/30 on the first one and 8/10 the second (so about 82%), BUT NOW I CANNOT SLEEEEEEEP.
Math is like my favorite thing ever, don't get me wrong, but it's the worst thing I can do before going to sleep. It's worse than caffeine for me. (Ooh! Speaking of caffeine, I had a great iced soy latte with hazelnut and Irish creme today, which is the best syrup combination ever.) So now I'm buzzed and exhausted and have to work tomorrow.
But at least the test is out of the way now…
math is fun