Random unexpected update!!

Feb 09, 2012 18:37

Yeah I'm not really around anymore. :( School eats my life and I can hardly find time to mess around on tumblr, much less lj. Also, ever since finishing my Big Bang last year I haven't wanted to write SPN fic or even read much of it. I don't even really know dude! I don't love it less or anything; I've been having fun enjoying it without the fandom bias. There have been a couple of episodes this season that I really liked (i.e. the most recent one) that the tumblr fandom seemed to have a lot of problems with, and it's nice to watch them without being influenced by the mass opinion.

This semester is pretty crazy so far, but I love every second of it. I'm taking Dynamics (the study of physical systems in motion), Differential Equations (an extension of calculus in which there are equations equating a derivative [rate of change] with its dependent variable and an independent variable - many practical uses in engineering), Probability and Statistics, Strength of Materials (the stress a material  and the system it's a part of can withstand without failure) and Java Programming.

As of right now I want to go into fluid dynamics, with a concentration in aerodynamics and turbulence. I want to develop and build wind turbines! Woo renewable energy!!! \o/ I'm probably going to stick around UMass for a couple more years than required for my undergrad so I can get a math minor and a 5th year Masters degree (in wind energy).

And I have a new cat! I'm pretty pumped. He's wicked adorable.
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