SPN ficlet: G : gen + ramblings

Mar 05, 2010 00:01

Okay, couple things here.

First, White Collar. O HAI Agent Henriksen. It was weird seeing you as the bad guy.

I love this show, really, I do, but seriously. SERIOUSLY?

Most every episode has Neal going undercover into some bad guy's lair as his con-man self, but why doesn't EVERY big-time criminal know that he works with the FBI? I imagine word travels fast in the underground, and they should have all gotten the newsletter after his first infiltration that HE IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE GUYS.



FUCK I need to toss this out in the open. I <3 THE JBROS. (This isn't big news anymore, because a LOT of people like them nowadays.) Okay :sigh: I'm glad that's not a dirty secret anymore. So yeah. JBros. They're all quite attractive, and I would normally be completely crazy over Joe (I mean, he's the kind of guys I fell head-over-heels for before I knew he even existed) but I'm NOT. Rather, I would want to be his friend and goof off and be crazy and climb trees together or something. Yeah, he's drop-dead fucking GORGEOUS, but I don't know…Trampoline buddy? Pie-making friend? Someone to wrestle with? (<- Not sexually. I can't wrestle with my female friends because I'm tall and have broad shoulders and am built more like a guy than any of them.)

I think this only evidence that I need lots more guy friends in my life. (I legit have like…a grand total of one.)

Kay I'm finished. Have a SPN ficlet.

The Heart and Soul of You
Gen, G
≈350 words
Nobody at Stanford knows who Dean is, so Sam refers to him as "my brother." Besides, "my brother" implies possession.

This is just a little drabble. It was hanging out in my in-progress folder, and it's never going to become anything longer, so I figured I'd put it out on the interwebs.

: :

At Stanford, Sam never referred to Dean by name - it was always and only "my brother." ("My brother, Dean" was too long, and he never knew if people would know who he was talking about if he only used "Dean.") Anyways, "my brother" implies possession, and since Sam would never again own Dean as he once had (he left, ran, deserted, betrayed, and he wishes he didn't understand that, but he did), at least he still could in words.

He wasn't trying to create a distance, no, it's just that he was taught the power of names from a young age. His friends would never be able to say Dean's name and get it to mean what it was meant to, they would never be able to imply, with a single syllable, a lifetime of love and loyalty and devotion, so he kept Dean's name to himself, squirreled it away and hid it and cherished it as the last thing of his brother's he was allowed to have.

Jess was introduced as "Jess" - no possession. He never presumed to own her like he had Dean. (He had never once asked him, just assumed and let Dean do the same with him.) She asked once, asked if there was a reason he never verbally staked his claim or glared at men for looking at her the wrong way or walked with his arm around her waist. Sam just looked away and couldn't answer.

So then shit happened (of course shit happened, he's a Winchester), and Sam and Dean fell back together (as Sam always knew they would - inevitable like hurricanes or the sunrise) and Sam forgets how he had sworn of possession. This is his brother, his, and he can see his loneliness. So whenever he can, Sam reminds him of it, says "You're my brother" as often as he can without being obvious he's trying to make a point (implies the "mine" by walking shoulder-to-shoulder and glaring at people who try to get too close and occasionally indulging his whims), and hopes Dean understands.

: :

Oh, also? I know it's old, but the Natalie Portman SNL rap skit? SO MUCH LOVE. I just saw it tonight for the first time, and I heart her so hardcore. <3

drabble, fic, gen, jbros, spn, white collar, etc., famous people

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