Hola cool kids!

Aug 19, 2010 13:35

Hey guys! *waves* So I just made a few new friends over at character-bleed's multi-fandom friending meme, and thought I ought to do a post to welcome you etc etc. <3

I have two about-me intro posts, one f-locked and the other not if you want to check them out, see a little bit about who I am.

Also, kind of a PSA. I'm taking off on Saturday for like…ten days. Work. There's internet at the nearby laundromat which I'm going to try to utilize, but I get off work real late every night, and who knows what my breaks are, so my internet usage is going to be brief and sporadic. Then when I get back, I have about four days of hurried packing before I leave for college. (FML I DON'T WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE.) Then I'll be in college and freaking out about my stupid math classes and why the fuck did I want to be an engineering major FFFFFFFFFFF? I'll try to keep up with everybody though!

ETA: I just got a formspring! I'm yourkidney, of course. Ask me things!

Lol contrition I COMPLETELY forgot about your questions! And I'm posting now! So I'll answer them! If anyone wants questions in return from me, reply with LOBSTERS and I'll give you some questions. I already did this a while ago, so some of you probably have questions from me already lol. BUT I'm doing it again. Because I have questions to answer. UG JUST SHUT UP LIZ. /needless rambling

1) Who is your favorite comedian? Well. Hm. Comedians. I don't watch much comedy, but hm. Sholem Aleichem is an old Yiddish writer, and he had this awesome Jewish humor. He wrote Tevye the Dairyman, which is the book that Fiddler on the Roof is based on.

2) What was the most embarrassing moment of your life? OHGOD. CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT IT? lol it wasn't that embarrassing. Um. When I was young I was weird and if we went over to dinner at people's places, sometimes I didn't knock, I'd just walk in. Once they forgot we were coming over, so I just walked into their house and they were all "What are you doing here…?"

3) Do you have any weird habits? My friends says I have a weird habit of touching people's breasts, but she doesn't know that it's just her lololol. Okay. Also, I eat things frozen that shouldn't be. Like you know how you can buy frozen burritos? I eat them frozen. And frozen cheese. And frozen Bagel Bites. And if I'm eating a can of soup, I usually don't warm it up; I'll eat it cold and from the can.

4) If you had a band, what would you name it? The Beehive? idk There's a yellow jacket nest right outside my window now. I'm V EXCITED. HI FRIENDS.

5) What/who is something/someone that everyone seems to hate, but you love? Ayn Rand. lolol. I really like Atlas Shrugged And my graphic arts teacher from high school. We're BFFs but a lot of my friends didn't like her/still don't/would like to cast her into the pits of hell.

me, meme, etc., proud carny, engineering, it's a party

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