Apr 28, 2011 11:53
{Fate's personality has changed considerably-no longer does he hold a complete disinterest for the human race. Of course, in making friends and talking to people and walking about, he is now completely suspicious of everything. Entirely paranoid. He's on to you.}
This is a big ship. A very, very big ship. Lots of people. So many people, everywhere.
{His camera shakes as he runs about his room, looking for non-existent windows to lock.}
So many things and conversations and devices and things and books and rooms and things and things and things and things.
{He's out of windows to lock. Because there aren't any. Now he'll start putting furniture in front of the door. Which is hard, while wielding his favourite flipple.}
And things and things and things and things. YOU WON'T GET ME, THINGS. YOU CAN'T REACH ME HERE. JUST TRY IT! I dare you.
{Feel free to assume that you spoke to Fate during his travels, and don't worry that he's catching on to the plot. He has absolutely no idea about Adam or the rest of it.}
cars are better than people