Nov 14, 2005 17:51

So, I am having quite the frustrating day,
I can't find ghost statistics for the life of me, and all of the ghost sites that I have been too are the superlamest, and I have to have some good ghost quotes and stats, so that I can quote them in my speech for tomorrow, gahhhhh,
anywho, I am also, a bit in need of definite plans for tonight I don't really feel like doing homework for a while and then not getting to go out and do something... soooooo if anyone would like to hang out with me, at any point in the evening that would be great, and you should either give me a call or leave me a comment...

Ok, so it has been quite some time since I have been emotional on my live journal, but this is one of those times, and I would like to prface this with the fact that EVERYONE, has posted something "emo" on their live journal at some point, so I would appreciate a lack of snide remarks... ok now that I have prefaced this I will go ahead and post emotionally...
I wonder how many people I am friends with are just humoring me,
I wonder how many of my friends I have annoyed, or inconvienienced,
how many of them have pittied me,
I wonder how many of my friends I annoy or inconvienience on a regular basis...
I am not going to become emo, on a regular basis, nor do I always feel this way, but these are just thoughts that have been poping into my head as of late so, I had to say something or else, I would just fester...

Clean as dandilion heads... apparently

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