Mar 29, 2004 01:48
i ♥ it when you take the time to study for a midterm and KNOW you aced it
i ♥ it when you come over late at nite and quiz me to MAKE sure i studied and then kiss me goodnite.
i ♥ it when Amanda and I find the besssssst deals in LA and how we eat reallyyy fatty food but then have water to seem healthy :)
i ♥ it when i come visit you @ work and you smile and seem happy to see me
i ♥ how no matter what my dad will always be there for me
i ♥ it how when me and caitlin are together it's as if NOTHING has ever changed
i ♥ how she's always down to pull missions with me, and how we are always thinking the same thing and we like to cause trouble
i ♥ it how we park 4 blocks away from teh BOOGIEE so we can "pregame"
i ♥ it how my best friend can hook up with enough guys for all of us!!! ;)
i ♥ dancing on the bar to TOXIC with erica
i ♥ it how no matter WHAT we do it is always a blast
i ♥ del taco (especially when i eat 5 chicken soft tacos)
i ♥ coming home and being able to fall asleep to your voice
i ♥ how i can tell my mom ANYTHING and she will always love me back ... and how she borrows my shoes and purses and loves to shop with me too :)
oh ya and she cooks me the BEST dinner ever
i ♥ how caitlin makes the DORKY side of me come out
i ♥ luca's drunkzzzzzzzed messages and how they dont make ANY sense
i ♥ my burberry purse and RABBIT fur jacket muahahahahaha
i ♥ how cait will come to random parties in WEST COVINA with me but we get a kick out of the geee youuu knitts LOL and especially how we will both be too drunk ot know that 3 more shots of JD are a definte BADDDDD ideaaaaa
i ♥ how even if i get mad at you for some stupid reason we will always talk about it and you will make everything feel ok again.
i ♥ being your girlfriend and how u bring me donuts and water in the morning to relive my hangover and NAP
i ♥ how gabby fills me in on every detail and we can have full on conversations through text messages
i ♥ how caitlin is ALWAYSSSSs full of energy and it transpires onto me or something
i ♥ how my friends will wait for me to get off work to go out and have some much needed recap/good fun and such
i ♥ jens most randomest blondest comments everrrrr
i ♥ drunk texts and calls from my love jackie in the BEST CITY EVERRRR
i ♥ ericas fashionista savvyyness
i ♥ all the drunk calls from my sisters in MEXICOOOOOooO
i ♥ it when you call me your girlfriend and say you miss me even though we saw eachother a couple hours before
and i ♥ it when u melt me with your kisses