I love Austin V;; Trent U ;; Kevin T oh so much<33

Jan 06, 2006 13:27

that's pretty much all I need to saayy!!

ahh last night was amazinngg
Me Kelsey were like chillen and then ran into Kevin and Trent
We hung out until they could get some stuff of Nate
Then wait until Austins band practice was overr
We watched Austin play osme FIFA haha then this shit went down
We were hanging out at Hanger and it was pretty chiill
Not to many faces so it was niice
Then I like went down to the park for a lil
I come up and like all of the sudden 328652937865782345 people are there
Kevin ;; Trent ;; Austin defff were trippen because a cop was right there

So we all go to my house and watch movies
Them three boys were trrippen out [ for a reason haha ]
and it just made my life x3628673
Then Casey and Liz showed up! mehehe
So we all were just chillen
Me;; Kelsey;; Turner are like passed out at about 4:30am
Austin;; Trent;; Casey;; and Liz decided to go to Dennys ahha
Well they just got free food. I'm not telling you how they just did hahahahah<33

But having them all sleep over was the highlight of
my winter break BY FAR omg
It was amazing to the exxtreme maxxx<3333333333333333333333333

Haha Now Turner is obsessed with my stuff animal holding a heart
saying " It's Love" and we named it Butercup hahah

Austin is defffffffffffffffffffffffffffff in love with my bunny
haha he would get pissed if you like even touched it

man I live for nights like these fur suree


very happy megann

P.S. I'm deff mad I didn't get one single peekture
WTF is my deall
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