seventeen crows (朱) voice/action

Jun 13, 2011 16:35

[This afternoon finds one CHEERFUL(?) Itachi walking out of the grocery, a bright SMILE(?) on his face and a full bag in his arms. He's HUMMING(??) something under his breath, a light bounce to his step.

He pulls out his journal casually, sending an unfiltered message to his brother.]

Sasuke. Are you recovering well?

[All of this is, of course ( Read more... )

this is getting a little ridiculous, would you suspect i'm a ninja?, +grune, +kida, official event, someone has a terrible mun, [voice], +law, isn't this inviting, don't you ever do anything but action?, [action], a malnosso plaything, +katara, +foolish little brother

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[Voice | Filtered] sasukelogic June 15 2011, 01:52:57 UTC
[Recovering? Yes. Well? Absolutely not. He feels like shit. He still isn't fit to leave his bed, and even though he is doing much better, he will not be happy about anything but a full recovery, thanks very much.

He is surprised to hear Itachi's voice over the journal, though. It's a pleasant surprise even, if it wasn't for the nagging feeling that something is off. Itachi hadn't even put up a filter? Sasuke will be fixing that.]

I'll live.


[Voice | Filtered] yourhatred June 15 2011, 02:12:17 UTC
Of course you'll live. The healers here know how to do their jobs.

[He sounds far too pleasant as he says this, and the tone of his voice doesn't change as he goes on.]

I'll bring something by for you later. I picked up fresh tomatoes and everything.


[Voice | Filtered] sasukelogic June 15 2011, 02:41:38 UTC
... Alright...

[While the promise of tomatoes and a visit isn't unpleasant or anything, there was most definitely something very, very off. There is a small pause before he continues.]

Any particular reason you're in such a good mood?


[Voice | Filtered] yourhatred June 15 2011, 04:04:27 UTC
[Itachi pauses to give this some thought. Was there a reason?

...He doesn't really need a reason, does he?]

It's a beautiful day outside, is all. Hardly a time to be gloomy.


[Voice | Filtered] sasukelogic June 15 2011, 18:51:32 UTC
[Maybe a better question would have been "what happened to your reasons not to be in such a good mood"? But Sasuke wouldn't push this. Bringing up that stuff wouldn't be easy even if he would have wanted to. Having it roll off his tongue like this felt impossible. Besides, it was obvious enough that Itachi wasn't quite himself, asking him why likely wouldn't give him an answer however he phrased it. If he had been feeling a bit better, maybe he would have felt more inclined to investigate, but as it was, he figured that if Itachi came over later, he would be able to tell then if something needed to be done, or if it was something to be worried about.]

If you say so.

So I'll... see you later?

[Such a strange thing to say. Somehow it felt out of practice, or like it didn't belong to him in the first place.] 


[Voice | Filtered] yourhatred June 15 2011, 20:44:42 UTC
Of course. I'll swing by in an hour or two. Hopefully no later than that.

[He needs to cook everything first, after all. And feed his neighbor. He's feeling generous today.]


[Voice | Filtered] sasukelogic June 16 2011, 20:11:02 UTC
[Sasuke doesn't feel it necessary to reply to that, since Itachi has promised so openly to come by. Instead, he will just be looking at the journal in something like awe for a while. Experiment or not, Itachi sounded happy. He liked the sound of it.

Eventually, he will be drifting off in a light sleep while waiting.]


[Voice | Filtered] yourhatred June 16 2011, 20:41:19 UTC
[Itachi arrives later with a dish of something recently cooked as well as a small bag of tomatoes just to leave there. He sets them gently on the nearest stand and moves to his brother's bedside.]

Good afternoon. How are you feeling?


[Voice | Filtered] sasukelogic June 16 2011, 23:06:02 UTC
[Achievement unlocked. You have just seen hamstercheeks!Sasuke dozing with his mouth open.

He blinks at the bright daylight when he wakes, squints at Itachi for just long enough to identify him, then brings one hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. He sits up rather stiffly.]

Like shit. But I've been worse.

[He lets his hand drop, staring unseeingly at his own lap for a moment, until he looks up at Itachi with an unusual expression on his face. You know, like he wasn't quite indifferent.]

Wanna sit down?


[action] yourhatred June 17 2011, 00:05:13 UTC
I will, yes.

[He takes the lid off the rice, setting the bow in his lap.]

This should be fairly easy to keep down. Would you like to eat it now or save it for later?


[action] sasukelogic June 17 2011, 20:00:18 UTC
Thanks.. I'll save it.

[It's mumbled. Nothing against your cooking, Itachi, he's just not in the mood for food just yet.

Maybe he should start asking Itachi questions about his sudden personality change, but he can't really bring himself. It doesn't seem to be more than a good mood, how can he question something like that? It was a good thing. Right?]

I'm sorry I missed your birthday.


[action] yourhatred June 17 2011, 20:13:17 UTC
All right. [The lid is closed, and the bowl set back on the stand.

The next comment causes him to look slightly surprised, and it takes him a moment to realize that yes, his birthday had passed.]

Don't worry about it. I hardly notice it myself.


[action] sasukelogic June 17 2011, 20:56:30 UTC
[There is something like the beginning of a smile sneaking onto his face. He's amused, and Itachi had a point, too. What were birthdays, anyway? He can't say anything like that, though, since he had been sappy enough to find a gift.]

Your present is still in my apartment. It's going to have to wait until I get out of here.


[action] yourhatred June 18 2011, 03:29:13 UTC
...I'm touched that you'd do that.

[Even if he isn't much for gifts. Or many possessions at all, really.]


[action] sasukelogic June 20 2011, 01:44:02 UTC
[You might be surprised, then. He actually thought it through a bit. Somehow, it's difficult to hear Itachi say that, though. He looks down at his lap again. It just goes to show him that this isn't his thing.]

Don't be stupid.

[It's muttered, in a severe sort of tone that he kind of regrets. Because it's Sasuke who is the stupid one, that much is obvious.

Time to change the subject before this one drags on.]

Were you ever drafted?


[action] yourhatred June 20 2011, 10:20:30 UTC
[Itachi shakes his head.]

No. I've yet to be called in to fight here. I hear there's a certain method of compatibility involved.

[And perhaps luck. He would take the position for his brother any day.]


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