twelve crows (朱) action

Jan 11, 2011 16:39

[Today Itachi is around town. ...Or is he?

The ninja is once again testing his limits in this place, and today is further experimenting in genjutsu - illusionary techniques. What he can do now is so much more limited than what he could before.

He will be appearing all around town, and if you see him today, you're already caught in his illusion. It affects all your senses, and nothing should appear off in any way. It will also be perfectly harmless. He simply won't be where you think you're seeing him.

He may incline his head to you, perhaps looking to be in a talkative mood.

Or perhaps, if you prefer, he can be found in the flesh at the end of the day sitting outside the Seventh Heaven, clearly exhausted though doing his best not to appear so.]

((ooc: If you think your character would be able to see through this (this isn't common, even among people highly trained in genjutsu, but I can account for varying universes) let me know.))

in town, evil is a vegitarian, what the eyes demand, +irvine, trapped in my illusion, +sheena, don't you ever do anything but action?, isn't this inviting, [action], let me show you how it's done

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